IJISA Vol. 17, No. 1, 8 Feb. 2025
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Syntax and Semantics of FIS, Mamdani Rules, FCM, Percentage Error and ANFIS
The electrical load forecasting plays a vital role on the economy of a country in context of fuel saving, working hours of employee and depreciation cost of equipment of power generating station. In this paper, we use several machine learning techniques relevant to fuzzy system to forecast the demand of electrical load on short-term basis. Here, we consider temperature, humidity, wind speed, types of day such as working day or holiday, barometric pressure as the parameters, which govern the demand of electrical load. To cope with the variables and the power demand, the previous data of Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) and Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO) were taken for training purpose and then data of current day was used as the test data. For each of the weather parameter several membership functions (MFs) were used as the fuzzy input and then Takagi-Sugeno, Mamdani rule, FCM + Mamdani and ANFIS were applied to acquire the output as the demand of load. The average percentage of error as the difference between forecasted demand and actual demand of test data was found 1.675% for Takagi-Sugeno, 1.91% for Mamdani (centroid), 2.56% for FCM + Mamdani and 3.62% for ANFIS, which were found superior to some previous research works.
Mst. Aklima Khatun Akhi, Sarwar Jahan, Md. Imdadul Islam, "Short Term Electrical Load Forecasting Based on Weather Parameters under Multiple FIS of Processing", International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications(IJISA), Vol.17, No.1, pp.15-30, 2025. DOI:10.5815/ijisa.2025.01.02
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