IJITCS Vol. 10, No. 3, 8 Mar. 2018
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Knowledge acquisition, Rule extraction, Expert systems, Lenses Dataset, Rule Checker Algorithms
Expert systems that bring facts and valuable experiences together and make some deductions possible. Expression of relevant knowledge and experience in these structures may be in a set of rules. Learning problems are valid with expert systems. Therefore, they cannot add new rules and information automatically by themselves. Rules are created by human experts on the way and added upon the system. Classification datasets are collections of data commonly used in machine learning that contain and classify the previously obtained experiences. In this study, rules were obtained by using Part, NNge, Prism rule classifier algorithms, and a knowledge base of expert systems was systematically created to achieve enrichment. Enrichment and rule deduction process needs careful and sensitive attention. A combined methodology and study was revealed during this sensitive process. In this context, studies were conducted on five widely used datasets. It was aimed to reduce the redundant, conflicting, subsumed and circular rules in order to create a consistent and complete knowledge base. In this way, a methodology was developed to establish more powerful and richer contents of knowledge base that have higher quality.
İbrahim Berkan Aydilek, Abdülkadir Gümüşçü, "Designing a Rule Based Expert Systems for Contact Lenses Patients", International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS), Vol.10, No.3, pp.18-26, 2018. DOI:10.5815/ijitcs.2018.03.03
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