IJITCS Vol. 7, No. 9, 8 Aug. 2015
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Fuzzy-Logic, Information Systems, Lime Kiln, Knowledge Base, Expert Knowledge, Linguistic Variables, Fuzzy Rules
Fuzzy logic is a new and innovative technology that was used in order to develop a realization of engineering control. In recent years, fuzzy logic proved its great potential especially applied to automatization of industrial process control, where it enables the control design to be formed based on experience of experts and results of experiments. The projects that have been realized reveal that the application of fuzzy logic in the technological process control has already provided us with better decisions compared to that of standard control technique. Fuzzy logic provides an opportunity to design an advisory system for decision-making based on operator experience and results of experiments not taking a mathematical model as a basis. The present work deals with a specific technological process ─ designing a support decision making information system for the operational control of the lime kiln with the use of fuzzy logic based on creation of the relevant expert-objective knowledge base.
Adelina Faradian, Teimuraz Manjafarashvili, Nikoloz Ivanauri, "Designing a Decision Making Support Information System for the Operational Control of Industrial Technological Processes", International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS), vol.7, no.9, pp.1-7, 2015. DOI:10.5815/ijitcs.2015.09.01
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