Maksym Zaliskyi

Work place: National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine



Research Interests:


Maksym Zaliskyi

PhD, Associate Professor.

He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in radio engineering from National Aviation University, Ukraine, in 2005 and 2007, respectively. He obtained a PhD degree in 2012 in operation and repair of transport means from the National Aviation University.

He has authored 114 published papers on maintenance and operation of radio equipment, statistical data processing and heteroscedasticity analysis. His research interests include design and improvement of the operation system for radio equipment, statistical data analysis.

Author Articles
Method of Diagnostics of Multichannel Data Transmission System

By Anatolii Taranenko Yevhen Gabrousenko Oleksii Holubnychyi Oleksandr Lavrynenko Maksym Zaliskyi

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2025

The redundancy of a multichannel data transmission system increases its reliability. During the operation of the system, it is necessary to diagnose and switch failed channels. To solve this problem, the set of input signals of the system is considered as a vector signal, whose scalar components are the coordinates of the vector in a given dimensional space. The diagnosis is performed using a scalar criterion, whose relative simplicity is ensured by the linearity of the signal transformations applied. To minimize the total probability of diagnostic error, the task of optimizing the tolerance on the diagnostic parameter is solved. The possibility of technical implementation of the proposed method is shown based on matrix transformations of the system's input and output signals. The system efficiency was assessed according to the "reliability-cost" criterion. Scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that analytical expressions for matrix transformations of input and output vector signals of a multichannel data transmission system have been developed. Realization of these transformations provides diagnostics of the system according to the developed scalar criterion both in the test mode and in the mode of functioning as intended. 

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Shadow Image Processing of X-Ray Screening System for Aviation Security

By Maksym Zaliskyi Olga Shcherbyna Lidiia Tereshchenko Alina Osipchuk Olena Zharova

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2022

The aviation security is an important component of aviation safety providing. One of the main goals of aviation security service is to detect dangerous and prohibited objects during passengers and baggage screening. For this purpose, aviation security personnel use various equipment: X-ray screening system, body-scans, metal detectors, moving ions detectors, explosive trace detectors. The X-ray screening system gives information on internal structure of baggage. The main disadvantage of X-ray screening system is rather high level of the false alarm probability. This requires developing new methods of image processing and recognition of dangerous and prohibited objects on the background of other objects. This article develops the principles of shadow image processing while screening the baggage using X-ray system to fix the mentioned disadvantage. The math equation for shadow image is obtained based on the laws of geometry and Beer-Lambert equation taking into account the chosen scanning technique. Based on this, the article is focused to the analysis of simple objects images and their application for complex objects recognition. The article discusses the example of handgun recognition using a new approach based on spectral analysis of developed shadow images. The results of the research can be used for improvement of algorithmic toolkit in aviation security automatic decision-making system while screening the baggage by X-ray equipment.

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Comparison of Circular and Linear Orthogonal Polarization Bases in Electromagnetic Field Parameters Measurement

By Ludvig Ilnitsky Olga Shcherbyna Felix Yanovsky Maksym Zaliskyi Oleksii Holubnychyi Olga Ivanets

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2022

This article considers the peculiarities of using circular orthogonal polarization basis for measuring the parameters of an electromagnetic wave. In particular, the angle of inclination of the major axis of the polarization ellipse and the ellipticity coefficient are among measuring parameters. The main expressions for calculation of field parameters in circular and linear orthogonal polarization basis are developed and analyzed. The advantages of using the ring as a measuring antenna in comparison with symmetrical vibrators of the turnstile antenna are substantiated. The expressions obtained in the article for calculating the measurement errors of polarization parameters in a linear orthogonal polarization basis illustrate the multifactorial dependence of the measurement accuracy on the angular and amplitude parameters. In contrast to the linear polarization basis, in case of circular basis, the inclination angle of the polarization ellipse axis can be found by direct measurements of the phase shift, and the accuracy of measuring the ellipticity coefficient is affected only by the error of measuring the ratio of voltage amplitudes, which are proportional to the modules of the field strength vectors of the left and right directions of the circular polarization rotation. This provides better potential accuracy of measurement for the electromagnetic wave parameters when using circular polarization antennas and, correspondingly, more reasonable analysis in the circular orthogonal polarization basis.

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Optimization of Maintenance Task Interval of Aircraft Systems

By Onyedikachi Chioma Okoro Maksym Zaliskyi Serhii Dmytriiev Oleksandr Solomentsev Oksana Sribna

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Apr. 2022

Maintenance accounts for approximately 20% of the operational cost of aircraft; a margin higher than cost associated with fuel, crew, navigation, and landing fees. A significant percentage of maintenance cost is attributed to failures of aircraft components and systems. These failures are random and provide a database which can further be analyzed to aid decision-making for maintenance optimization. In this paper, stochastic mathematical models which can potentially be used to optimize maintenance task intervals of aircraft systems are developed. The initial data for this research are diagnostic variables and reliability parameters which formed the basis for selecting the probability density function for time between failures according to the exponential and Erlang models. Based on the probability density functions, the efficiency of the maintenance processes was calculated using average operational cost per unit time. The results of the analysis were further tested using the Monte Carlo simulation method and the findings are highlighted in this paper. The simulation results compared favorably with analytical results obtained using already existing Monte Carlo techniques to about 82% accuracy. The proposed mathematical optimization models determine the optimal aircraft maintenance task interval which is cost effective while considering safety and reliability requirements; our results can also be applied during the development, design, and operation phases of aircraft systems.

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Prospect for Using Low-Element Adaptive Antenna Systems for Radio Monitoring Stations

By Olga Shcherbyna Maksym Zaliskyi Olena Kozhokhina Felix Yanovsky

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Oct. 2021

This article is devoted to the analysis of prospect to apply multifunctional adaptive antenna systems for radio monitoring stations. The review of publications done demonstrates that current antennas that are developed and used in radio monitoring systems to control and measure the parameters of electromagnetic radiation should be applicable to conduct accurate measurements in wide frequency range under the condition of interferences. The analysis shows that modern adaptive antenna systems are mostly developed for radar and telecommunications applications. In this context we consider possible ways to solve the problem of adapting radio monitoring devices to a complex electromagnetic environment using antenna systems with primary processing of received signals . It was found that the developers of the antennas, which are based on adaptive interference suppression methods, focus basically on the development and implementation of adaptation processes, limiting themselves only to solving electromagnetic compatibility problems. In such approach, the functions of direction finding and measurement of radiation field parameters important exactly for radio monitoring systems are mostly ignored. Therefore, this research area opens up a wide field for identifying new possibilities for constructing multifunctional antenna systems. Focusing on this direction of research, we consider as an example the constraction of a simple two-element adaptive antenna system, which can be used to measure the parameters of the electromagnetic field in radio monitoring systems. The main relations for the error of determining the direction of arrival of the interference signal with a simple two-element antenna are investigated. The influence of the stability of the antenna array parameters and functional units of signal processing onto the errors is estimated.

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Statistical Techniques for Detecting Cyberattacks on Computer Networks Based on an Analysis of Abnormal Traffic Behavior

By Zhengbing Hu Roman Odarchenko Sergiy Gnatyuk Maksym Zaliskyi Anastasia Chaplits Sergiy Bondar Vadim Borovik

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2020

Represented paper is currently topical, because of year on year increasing quantity and diversity of attacks on computer networks that causes significant losses for companies. This work provides abilities of such problems solving as: existing methods of location of anomalies and current hazards at networks, statistical methods consideration, as effective methods of anomaly detection and experimental discovery of choosed method effectiveness. The method of network traffic capture and analysis during the network segment passive monitoring is considered in this work. Also, the processing way of numerous network traffic indexes for further network information safety level evaluation is proposed. Represented methods and concepts usage allows increasing of network segment reliability at the expense of operative network anomalies capturing, that could testify about possible hazards and such information is very useful for the network administrator. To get a proof of the method effectiveness, several network attacks, whose data is storing in specialised DARPA dataset, were chosen. Relevant parameters for every attack type were calculated. In such a way, start and termination time of the attack could be obtained by this method with insignificant error for some methods.

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