Md. Yasin Ali Khan

Work place: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Chittagong-4349, Bangladesh

E-mail: shihabyasin@gmail.coma


Research Interests: Software Engineering, Software


Md. Yasin Ali Khan completed his B.Sc. in Computer science & Engineering from Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh. He is very interested in software research.

Author Articles
A Simple Software Engineering Environment for Coming Decades

By Md. Yasin Ali Khan Md. Abu Sayed

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jan. 2017

Effective Software development is a very complex task. When this task span over large geographical regions with different cultures, it becomes very critical maintaining every task and making proper co-ordination among them. For coming decades, considering different web technologies and other emerging technologies, developers will need a robust and secure development environment for proper combination with collaboration tools having existing social and technical elements. Again this software engineering environment should ensure participation of individuals such a way that their potential get full force workable mode. This environment should also face time critical project management issues having high risk at different stages. Fast and cost effective development also requires use of off the shelf resources. In this paper, a software engineering environment is proposed for coming days considering all these issues hoping that, it will serve as a primary standard of development environment while meeting all demands of developers.

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