Work place: IRF-SIC Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco
Research Interests: Natural Language Processing, Information Systems, Data Mining, Information Retrieval, Multimedia Information System
Mohamed Salim EL BAZZI is PhD on Computer Sciences, Speciality : Data Mining, from Ibn Zohr University - Morocco, and currently is a Researcher at the same university. He is a member of " images pattern recognition - intelligent and communicating systems " Laboratory. His main domaine experience is Text Mining. Moreover, he contributes in Text Indexing, Classification, Clustering, Opinion Mining, Natural Language processing and Information Retrieval.
By Taher Zaki Mohamed Salim EL Bazzi Driss Mammass
DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Nov. 2018
From a philosophical point of view, the words of a text or a speech are not held just for informational purposes, but they act and react; they have the power to react on their counterparts. Each word, evokes similar or different senses that can influence and interact with the following words, it has a vibratory property. It's not the words themselves that have the impact, but the semantic reaction behind the words. In this context, we propose a new textual data classification approach while trying to imitate human altruistic behavior in order to show the semantic altruistic stakes of natural language words through statistical, semantic and distributional analysis. We present the results of a word extraction method, which combines a distributional proximity index, a selection coefficient and a co-occurrence index with respect to the neighborhood.
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