Ghalem Belalem

Work place: Computer Science Department, University of Oran1, Ahmed BENBELLA, Oran, Algeria



Research Interests: Computer systems and computational processes, Autonomic Computing, Distributed Computing


Ghalem Belalem (Ain Temouchent, Algeria, September 28, 1962), Ghalem Belalem graduated from the Department of Computer Science in the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Oran 1, Ahmed Ben Bella in Algeria, where he received his PhD degree in Computer Science in 2007. He is now a research fellow for the management of replicas in data replicas in data grids.
His current research interests include distributed systems, grid computing, cloud computing, data grid placement of replicas, and consistency in large scale systems and mobile environments.

Author Articles
A Cost Measurement System of Logistics Process

By Zine Benotmane Ghalem Belalem Abdelkader Neki

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2018

Because logistic is a process-oriented business, we propose in this paper a measurement system of decision support for assessing the costs associated with each logistics process. This system allows calculating economic, environmental and social costs of logistics process to ensure a sustainable logistics. We have formulated the problem and we present some simulation for testing our system. This proposition allows the decision-maker to have knowledge of economic, ecological and social cost before making a decision.

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