Work place: Maharshi Dayanand University/Computer Science, Rohatak, 124001, Ind
Research Interests: Physics, Computational Physics
Mr. G.P Saroha received Ph.D (Computer Sciene.- Geoinformatics) from K. U., Kurukshetra in 2011.He received his M. Tech. (Computer Sc. & Technology) from IIT Roorkee in 1990 and M.Sc. (PhysicsLaser Physics & Electronics) from IIT Roorkee in 1988.
By Pawan Kumar Mishra G.P Saroha
DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 May 2016
Visual surveillance System is used for analysis and interpretation of object behaviors. It involves object classification to understand the visual events in videos. In this review paper various object classification methods are used. Classification technique plays an important role in surveillance system that is used for the classification of both objects like static and moving objects in a better way. The methods in object classification are used to extract meaningful information and various features that are needed for representation of data. In this survey, we described various approaches for moving objects that are used in classification for video surveillance system based on shape and motion.
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