Souleymane KOUSSOUBE

Work place: Laboratoire Africain d’Informatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées (LAIMA), Institut Africain d’Informatique (IAI), BP: 2263 Libreville, Gabon



Research Interests: Computational Learning Theory, Theory of Computation, Models of Computation


KOUSSOUBE Souleymane (1962-), male, Institut Africain d’Informatique Professor, Ph.D., his research directions include ontology, formal methods, knowledge-based systems, Business intelligence.

Author Articles
Using Description Logics to specify a Document Synthesis System

By Roger NOUSSI Balira O. KONFE Souleymane KOUSSOUBE

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2013

This paper deals with an automatic document’s synthesis system. Our approach is based on the prior formal description of the semantics of the main elements (document, reader and his request) in the synthesis system. In this approach, semantic capture is based on ontology definition that is specified formally using Description Logics (DL). The DL inference techniques associated to production rules are then used to compute a document synthesis. Moreover, DL inference techniques are used to reason about each component.

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