Kaiyrbek Makulov

Work place: Department of Computer Science, Yessenov Univeristy, Aktau, Kazakhstan

E-mail: kaiyrbek.makulov@yu.edu.kz


Research Interests: Cybersecurity, Information Systems, Information Security


Kaiyrbek Makulov: PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Yessenov Univeristy, Aktau, Kazakhstan. Major research interests: Economic and Information Security, Cybersecurity and AI, Information Systems in Educarion.

Author Articles
Targeted Attacks Detection and Security Intruders Identification in the Cyber Space

By Zhadyra Avkurova Sergiy Gnatyuk Bayan Abduraimova Kaiyrbek Makulov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijcnis.2024.04.10, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

The number of new cybersecurity threats and opportunities is increasing over time, as well as the amount of information that is generated, processed, stored and transmitted using ICTs. Particularly sensitive are the objects of critical infrastructure of the state, which include the mining industry, transport, telecommunications, the banking system, etc. From these positions, the development of systems for detecting attacks and identifying intruders (including the critical infrastructure of the state) is an important and relevant scientific task, which determined the tasks of this article. The paper identifies the main factors influencing the choice of the most effective method for calculating the importance coefficients to increase the objectivity and simplicity of expert assessment of security events in cyberspace. Also, a methodology for conducting an experimental study was developed, in which the goals and objectives of the experiment, input and output parameters, the hypothesis and research criteria, the sufficiency of experimental objects and the sequence of necessary actions were determined. The conducted experimental study confirmed the adequacy of the models proposed in the work, as well as the ability of the method and system created on their basis to detect targeted attacks and identify intruders in cyberspace at an early stage, which is not included in the functionality of modern intrusion detection and prevention systems. 

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