Edara Sreenivasa Reddy

Work place: University College of Engineering, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, 522510, India

E-mail: edara_67@yahoo.com

Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6948-3483

Research Interests: Image Processing


Dr. Edara Sreenivasa Reddy is a Professor & Dean R&D of Dr YSR University College of Engineering of Acharya Nagarjuna University. He did Master of Technology in Computer Science Engineering from Sir Mokhsagundam Visweswariah University, Bangalore. He also did Mater of Science from Birla Institute of Technological Sciences, Pilani. He did Philosophical Doctorate in Computer Science Engineering from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur. Prof.E.S.Reddy, guided successfully more than twenty five research scholars for PhD degree. His research areas of interest are in various domains including Digital Image Processing.

Author Articles
Disorder Facial Emotion Recognition with Grey Wolf Optimized Gefficient-Net for Autism Spectrum

By Ramachandran Vedantham Ravisankar Malladi Sivaiah Bellamkonda Edara Sreenivasa Reddy

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijigsp.2025.01.01, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2025

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological issue that impacts brain function at an earlier stage. The autistic person realizes several complexities in communication or social interaction. ASD detection from face images is complicated in the field of computer vision. In this paper, a hybrid GEfficient-Net with a Gray-Wolf (GWO) optimization algorithm for detecting ASD from facial images is proposed. The proposed approach combines the advantages of both EfficientNet and GoogleNet. Initially, the face image from the dataset is pre-processed, and the facial features are extracted with the VGG-16 feature extraction technique. It extracts the most discriminative features by learning the representation of each network layer. The hyperparameters of GoogleNet are optimally selected with the GWO algorithm. The proposed approach is uniformly scaled in all directions to enhance performance. The proposed approach is implemented with the Autistic children’s face image dataset, and the performance is computed in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, G-mean, etc. Moreover, the proposed approach improves the accuracy to 0.9654 and minimizes the error rate to 0.0512. The experimental outcomes demonstrate the proposed ASD diagnosis has achieved better performance.

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Computerized Acute Myeloid Leukemia Classification Using Hybrid Dilated DenseSqueeze Network from Peripheral B Stain Analysis

By Krishna Prasad Palli Edara Sreenivasa Reddy Chandra Sekharaiah K.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijigsp.2024.04.07, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

In medical diagnosis, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has offered significant revolution, especially for cancers. Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a deadly blood cancer caused by the rapid growth of abnormal White Blood Cells (WBCs) in humans. Although AML classification is a popular area of research, existing detection methods utilize manual examination of microscopic blood samples, which includes high complexity and tedious. Therefore, this work presented a computerized deep learning model-based AML classification from peripheral blood stain images, which helps in earlier AML diagnosis. The processing steps followed in AML classification are Image Pre-processing, Localization of RoI (Region of Interest), Fusion-based Feature Extraction and Classification. First, the input image is pre-processed, which includes noise filtering, image resizing, and colour conversion. The noise in the image is filtered using normalized Gaussian filtering (NGF). Next, the image is resized into a standard size, and the RGB image is converted into CMYK colour space. Then, the RoI is identified using the Image Moment Localization (IML) technique. Next, the valuable multi-level dense features are extracted using DenseSqueeze Network, and multi-scale features are extracted using Dilated Convolution Spatial Pyramid Pooling (Dilated CSPP). Both these extracted features are fused using the element-wise summation. Finally, the Softmax classifier is used in the last layer to classify the classes of AML and the loss in the network is optimized using the Improved Artificial Fish Swarm (Improved AFS) algorithm. The proposed work results in 99% of accuracy, 98.5% of precision and 98.9% of F-score by using the AML-Cytomorphology LMU dataset.

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