Sergey V. Petoukhov

Work place: Laboratory of Biomechanical Systems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 101990, Malyi Kharitonievsky pereulok, 4, Russia



Research Interests:


Sergey V. Petoukhov, Prof., Dr. Sci. Current employments: Head of Laboratory of biomechanical systems research in Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Chief researcher of the “Center of interdisciplinary researches of musical creativity” of the Moscow State Conservatory by P.I. Tchaikovsky; Editor-in-Chief of “International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing” (Hong Kong). Selected honors and awards: Laureate of the State prize of the USSR; Academician of the Academy of Quality Problems (Russia, from 2000); Grand Doctor of Philosophy, Full Professor (The European Academy of Informatization, Belgium, 2004); the Chinese government has included S.V. Petoukhov in the «List of Outstanding Scientists in the World» in 2012; Chairman of Advisory Board of «International Symmetry Association», Budapest, Hungary, from 2003 till now; Honorary chairman of Board Directors of «International Society of Symmetry in Bioinformatics», USA, 2005; co-leader of long-term scientific cooperation between Russian and Hungarian Academies of Sciences in the theme «Non-linear models and symmetrological analysis in biomechanics, bioinformatics and theory of self-organizing systems»; Scientific supervisor and main contractor for competitive state contracts on bioinformatics in 2009-2011; Vice-Chair of the International Advisory Board Directors of the Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science (Hong Kong) from 2016; VicePresident of the International Society of Natural Medicine (Slovakia); scholarship for scientific internship in Germany from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, 2017).

Author Articles
Algebraic Gestalt-archetypes of Probabilities in Genomic DNAs, Cyclic Gray Codes, Quantum Bioinformatics

By Sergey V. Petoukhov

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2025

The article is devoted to the study of the regularities of the statistical organization of nucleotide sequences of single-stranded DNAs in genomes of higher and lower organisms, as well as their connections with cyclic Gray codes and the problem of holistic structures (gestalts) in physiology. The author presents stable statistical structures of an algebraic nature, which are found in many genomic DNAs and are called algebraic gestalt-archetypes of probabilities in genomic DNAs. They are discussed as a possible basis for several genetically inherited physiological and psychophysical properties. The numerical rules of these genomic archetypes realized in nature for a representative class of genomic DNAs, whose initial data were taken by the author from the publicly available genomic data bank “GenBank”, are formulated. The analysis of single-stranded genomic DNAs was carried out using the author's method of "hierarchies of multilayer statistics", representing the nucleotide sequence of DNA as a multilayer text structure, in which each n-th layer is a sequence of n-plets (that is, of monoplets, or duplets, or triplets, etc.). In each such layer, the percentages of each of the types of its n-plets are calculated, the values of which are inserted into the so-called genetic (2nāˆ™2n) Karnaugh matrices, whose columns and rows are numbered by n-bit Gray codes by analogy with Karnaugh maps from the Boolean algebra of logic. The data of the analysis of the nucleotide sequence of DNA of the human chromosome ā„– 1, containing about 250 million nucleotides, are represented as an example. The obtained data are discussed in light of the problem of genetically inherited holistic structures in biology and the tasks of developing algebraic biology, genetic biomechanics, quantum bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, and genetic algorithms.

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