Danylo Holubinka

Work place: Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine

E-mail: danylo.holubinka.sa.2020@lpnu.ua

Website: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-4773-034X

Research Interests:


Danylo Holubinka is a master’s student studying system analysis at Lviv Polytechnic National University. His research interests are computer science and technology applications, machine learning, big data, and web development.

Author Articles
Intelligent System for Recognizing Tone and Categorizing Text in Media News at an Electronic Business Based on Sentiment and Sarcasm Analysis

By Danylo Holubinka Victoria Vysotska Serhii Vladov Yuriy Ushenko Mariia Talakh Yurii Tomka

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijieeb.2025.01.06, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2025

During the implementation of the work on the creation of the system of tonality recognition and text categorization in the news, a study of the subject area was conducted, which allowed the understanding of the processes of text analysis in the mass media to be enriched. The necessary data for further processing was found. The work resulted from a program that consists of an information parser, a data analyser and cleaner, a Large Language Models model, a neural network, and a database with vectorized data. These components were integrated into the user interface and implemented as a program window. The program can analyse news texts, determining their tone and categories. At the same time, it provides the user with a convenient interface for entering text and receiving analysis results. Therefore, the created system is a powerful tool for automated analysis of textual data in mass media, which can be used for various purposes, including monitoring the news space, analysis of public opinion, and others. Also, the developed information technology successfully meets the set tasks aimed at tonality analysis and categorization of news. It effectively solves the task of collecting, analysing and classifying news materials, which allows users to receive operational and objective information. Its architecture and functionality allow for easy changes and additions in the  
future, making it a flexible and adaptable tool for news analytics and decision-making in various business sectors.

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