IJCNIS Vol. 16, No. 2, 8 Apr. 2024
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Elephant Herding Optimization Algorithm, Load Balancing, Cloud Computing
In this manuscript, an Individual Updating Strategies-based Elephant Herding Optimization Algorithm are proposed to facilitate the effective load balancing (LB) process in cloud computing. Primary goal of proposed Individual Updating Strategies-based Elephant Herding Optimization Algorithm focus on issuing the workloads pertaining to network links by the purpose of preventing over-utilization and under-utilization of the resources. Here, NIUS-EHOA-LB-CE is proposed to exploit the merits of traditional Elephant Herd Optimization algorithm to achieve superior results in all dimensions of cloud computing. In this NIUS-EHOA-LB-CE achieves the allocation of Virtual Machines for the incoming tasks of cloud, when the number of currently processing tasks of a specific VM is less than the cumulative number of tasks. Also, it attains potential load balancing process differences with the help of each individual virtual machine’s processing time and the mean processing time (MPT) incurred by complete virtual machine. Efficacy of the proposed technique activates the Cloudsim platform. Experimental results of the proposed method shows lower Mean Response time 11.6%, 18.4%, 20.34%and 28.1%, lower Mean Execution Time 78.2%, 65.4%, 40.32% and 52.6% compared with existing methods, like Improved Artificial Bee Colony utilizing Monarchy Butterfly Optimization approach for Load Balancing in Cloud Environments (IABC-MBOA-LB-CE), An improved Hybrid Fuzzy-Ant Colony Algorithm Applied to Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Environment (FACOA-LB-CE), Hybrid firefly and Improved Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization for energy efficient LB in Cloud environments (FF-IMOPSO-LB-CE) and A hybrid gray wolf optimization and Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for load balancing in cloud computing environment (GWO-PSO-LB-CE).
Syed Muqthadar Ali, N. Kumaran, G.N. Balaji, "Individual Updating Strategies-based Elephant Herding Optimization Algorithm for Effective Load Balancing in Cloud Environments", International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security(IJCNIS), Vol.16, No.2, pp.65-78, 2024. DOI:10.5815/ijcnis.2024.02.06
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