ISSN: 2074-9090 (Print)
ISSN: 2074-9104 (Online)
Published By: MECS Press
Frequency: 6 issues per year
Number(s) Available: 135
IJCNIS is committed to bridge the theory and practice of computer network and information security. From innovative ideas to specific algorithms and full system implementations, IJCNIS publishes original, peer-reviewed, and high quality articles in the areas of computer network and information security. IJCNIS is well-indexed scholarly journal and is indispensable reading and references for people working at the cutting edge of computer network, information security, and their applications.
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IJCNIS Vol. 17, No. 1, Feb. 2025
Malware detection using Machine Learning techniques has gained popularity due to their high accuracy. However, ML models are susceptible to Adversarial Examples, specifically crafted samples intended to deceive the detectors. This paper presents a novel method for generating evasive AEs by augmenting existing malware with a new section at the end of the PE file, populated with binary data using memetic algorithms. Our method hybridizes global search and local search techniques to achieve optimized results. The Malconv Model, a well-known state-of-the-art deep learning model designed explicitly for detecting malicious PE files, was used to assess the evasion rates. Out of 100 tested samples, 98 successfully evaded the MalConv model. Additionally, we investigated the simultaneous evasion of multiple detectors, observing evasion rates of 35% and 44% against KNN and Decision Tree machine learning detectors, respectively. Furthermore, evasion rates of 26% and 10% were achieved against Kaspersky and ESET commercial detectors. In order to prove the efficiency of our memetic algorithm in generating evasive adversarial examples, we compared it to the most used evolutionary-based attack: the genetic algorithm. Our method demonstrated significantly superior performance while utilizing fewer generations and a smaller population size.
[...] Read more.Data packets in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are routed across several nodes in a multi-hop fashion. The Quality of Service (QoS), seamless connectivity, reliability, and scalability of Wireless Mesh Networks are all significantly impacted by routing approaches. Routing protocols should enforce the fair utilization of resources i.e. bandwidth or channel among network nodes irrespective of their spatial location from the Gateway. The two-hop or multi-hop nodes in wireless mesh networks experience resource starvation due to the functioning of the MAC protocol and TCP/TP networking protocol. The Starvation issue has a significant impact on the QoS requirements of wireless mesh networks. It is known that using appropriate scheduling techniques in network planning substantially minimizes starvation. To reduce the starving of resources to the multi-hop network nodes, novel optimized routing algorithms have been proposed and implemented in this work. To address the starvation, a GA-based cross-layer optimized scheduling method that operates at the MAC and Network layers is implemented. A hybrid approach that combines the features of the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) is also implemented to solve the local minimum problem in GA. Results show that the suggested optimization methods greatly improve the fairness performance of wireless mesh networks.
[...] Read more.This research investigates the performance of various one-dimensional cellular automata rules, namely Rule 30, Rule 150, Rule 184, Rule 105 and Rule 110, for image encryption. The proposed algorithm technique combines these CA rules to generate pseudo-random sequences for image scrambling. The effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated using various performance metrics, including NPCR, correlation coefficient and information entropy. The results demonstrate which rule provides the best encryption performance, achieving high levels of security and resistance to statistical attacks. However, the computational complexity of the proposed method is relatively high, which may limit its practicality for real-time image encryption applications.
[...] Read more.The rise of cyberattacks has led to an increase in the creation of fake websites by attackers, who use these sites for advertising products, transmit malware, or steal valuable login credentials. Phishing, the act of soliciting sensitive information from users by masquerading as a trustworthy entity, is a common technique used by attackers to achieve their goals. Spoofed websites and email spoofing are often used in phishing attacks, with spoofed emails redirecting users to phishing websites in order to trick them into revealing their personal information. Traditional solutions for detecting phishing websites rely on signature-based approaches that are not effective in detecting newly created spoofed websites. To address this challenge, researchers have been exploring machine-learning methods for detecting phishing websites. In this paper, we suggest a new approach that combines the use of blacklists and machine learning techniques such that a variety of powerful features, including domain-based features, abnormal features, and abnormal features based on URLs, HTML, and JavaScript, to rank web pages and improve classification accuracy. Our experimental results show that using the proposed approach, the random forest classifier offers the best accuracy of 93%, with FPR and FNR as 0.12 and 0.02, with a Precision of 90%, Recall of 97% an F1 Score of 93%, and MCC of 0.85.
[...] Read more.The critical challenge with the continuously increasing number of Internet users is copying and duplication, which has caused content integrity and protection. To manage and secure the signals from unauthorized consumers of digital content, we require certain procedures. Digital watermarking scheme on vowel-based approach can address these problems. Thus, we can provide a robust and secure method that solves the issues of copyright, illegal intentional or unintentional modification. In this paper, we have proposed vowel-based speech watermarking techniques using the FFT method with the help of the Min algorithm. We observe that the proposed FFT-based watermarking scheme provides better results in comparison to the existing methods.
[...] Read more.Pay-as-you-go models are used to grant users access to cloud services. While using the cloud, an imbalance workload on data centre resources degrades quality of service metrics like makespan, storage, high failure rate, and energy consumption. Hence proposed the heuristic based hybrid GA to enhance the QoS with resource allocation in cloud computing. The population is first initialized using the Binary encoding sorts the tasks according to priority. After that, the Best Fit algorithm compares the Best Fit with iterations of each fitness value depending on the computation time to shorten the make span. Heuristic crossover approach and mutation are then used to update the probability of the existing population with the new population lowers the failure rate by using the fitness value. Therefore, the proposed heuristic-based hybrid GA technique balanced the load and allocate the resources effectively to improve QoS performances. The outcome reveals that the proposed method of QoS performances attained less makespan, energy consumption, failure rate and execution time with effectively allocated the resources of 1% to 39% when compared to the previous methods in cloud computing.
[...] Read more.An intrusion detection system (IDS) is either a part of a software or hardware environment that monitors data and analyses it to identify any attacks made against a system or a network. Traditional IDS approaches make the system more complicated and less efficient, because the analytical properties process is difficult and time-consuming. This is because the procedure is complex. Therefore, this research work focuses on a network intrusion detection and classification (NIDCS) system using a modified convolutional neural network (MCNN) with recursive feature elimination (RFE). Initially, the dataset is balanced with the help of the local outlier factor (LOF), which finds anomalies and outliers by comparing the amount of deviation that a single data point has with the amount of deviation that its neighbors have. Then, a feature extraction selection approach named RFE is applied to eliminate the weakest features until the desired number of features is achieved. Finally, the optimal features are trained with the MCNN classifier, which classifies intrusions like probe, denial-of-service (DoS), remote-to-user (R2U), user-to-root (U2R), and identifies normal data. The proposed NIDCS system resulted in higher performance with 99.3% accuracy and a 3.02 false alarm rate (FAR) as equated to state-of-the-art NIDCS approaches such as deep neural networks (DNN), ResNet, and gravitational search algorithms (GSA).
[...] Read more.The project envisages the creation of a complex system that integrates advanced technologies of machine learning and natural language processing for media content analysis. The main goal is to provide means for quick and accurate verification of information, reduce the impact of disinformation campaigns and increase media literacy of the population. Research tasks included the development of algorithms for the analysis of textual information, the creation of a database of fakes, and the development of an interface for convenient access to analytical tools. The object of the study was the process of spreading information in the media space, and the subject was methods and means for identifying disinformation. The scientific novelty of the project consists of the development of algorithms adapted to the peculiarities of the Ukrainian language, which allows for more effective work with local content and ensures higher accuracy in identifying fake news. Also, the significance of the project is enhanced by its practical value, as the developed tools can be used by government structures, media organizations, educational institutions and the public to increase the level of information security. Thus, the development of this project is of great importance for increasing Ukraine's resilience to information threats and forming an open, transparent information society.
[...] Read more.The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the promising technologies of the future. It offers many attractive features that we depend on nowadays with less effort and faster in real-time. However, it is still vulnerable to various threats and attacks due to the obstacles of its heterogeneous ecosystem, adaptive protocols, and self-configurations. In this paper, three different 6LoWPAN attacks are implemented in the IoT via Contiki OS to generate the proposed dataset that reflects the 6LoWPAN features in IoT. For analyzed attacks, six scenarios have been implemented. Three of these are free of malicious nodes, and the others scenarios include malicious nodes. The typical scenarios are a benchmark for the malicious scenarios for comparison, extraction, and exploration of the features that are affected by attackers. These features are used as criteria input to train and test our proposed hybrid Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS) to detect and prevent 6LoWPAN attacks in the IoT ecosystem. The proposed hybrid IDPS has been trained and tested with improved accuracy on both KoU-6LoWPAN-IoT and Edge IIoT datasets. In the proposed hybrid IDPS for the detention phase, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) classifier achieved the highest accuracy among the models in both the 2-class and N-class. Before the accuracy improved in our proposed dataset with the 4-class and 2-class mode, the ANN classifier achieved 95.65% and 99.95%, respectively, while after the accuracy optimization reached 99.84% and 99.97%, respectively. For the Edge IIoT dataset, before the accuracy improved with the 15-class and 2-class modes, the ANN classifier achieved 95.14% and 99.86%, respectively, while after the accuracy optimized up to 97.64% and 99.94%, respectively. Also, the decision tree-based models achieved lightweight models due to their lower computational complexity, so these have an appropriate edge computing deployment. Whereas other ML models reach heavyweight models and are required more computational complexity, these models have an appropriate deployment in cloud or fog computing in IoT networks.
[...] Read more.D2D (Device-to-device) communication has a major role in communication technology with resource and power allocation being a major attribute of the network. The existing method for D2D communication has several problems like slow convergence, low accuracy, etc. To overcome these, a D2D communication using distributed deep learning with a coot bird optimization algorithm has been proposed. In this work, D2D communication is combined with the Coot Bird Optimization algorithm to enhance the performance of distributed deep learning. Reducing the interference of eNB with the use of deep learning can achieve near-optimal throughput. Distributed deep learning trains the devices as a group and it works independently to reduce the training time of the devices. This model confirms the independent resource allocation with optimized power value and the least Bit Error Rate for D2D communication while sustaining the quality of services. The model is finally trained and tested successfully and is found to work for power allocation with an accuracy of 99.34%, giving the best fitness of 80%, the worst fitness value of 46%, mean value of 6.76 and 0.55 STD value showing better performance compared to the existing works.
[...] Read more.Thanks to recent technological advancements, low-cost sensors with dispensation and communication capabilities are now feasible. As an example, a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network in which the nodes are mobile computers that exchange data with one another over wireless connections rather than relying on a central server. These inexpensive sensor nodes are particularly vulnerable to a clone node or replication assault because of their limited processing power, memory, battery life, and absence of tamper-resistant hardware. Once an attacker compromises a sensor node, they can create many copies of it elsewhere in the network that share the same ID. This would give the attacker complete internal control of the network, allowing them to mimic the genuine nodes' behavior. This is why scientists are so intent on developing better clone assault detection procedures. This research proposes a machine learning based clone node detection (ML-CND) technique to identify clone nodes in wireless networks. The goal is to identify clones effectively enough to prevent cloning attacks from happening in the first place. Use a low-cost identity verification process to identify clones in specific locations as well as around the globe. Using the Optimized Extreme Learning Machine (OELM), with kernels of ELM ideally determined through the Horse Herd Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm (HHO), this technique safeguards the network from node identity replicas. Using the node identity replicas, the most reliable transmission path may be selected. The procedure is meant to be used to retrieve data from a network node. The simulation result demonstrates the performance analysis of several factors, including sensitivity, specificity, recall, and detection.
[...] Read more.These days cloud computing is booming like no other technology. Every organization whether it’s small, mid-sized or big, wants to adapt this cutting edge technology for its business. As cloud technology becomes immensely popular among these businesses, the question arises: Which cloud model to consider for your business? There are four types of cloud models available in the market: Public, Private, Hybrid and Community. This review paper answers the question, which model would be most beneficial for your business. All the four models are defined, discussed and compared with the benefits and pitfalls, thus giving you a clear idea, which model to adopt for your organization.
[...] Read more.There is no doubt that, even after the development of many other authentication schemes, passwords remain one of the most popular means of authentication. A review in the field of password based authentication is addressed, by introducing and analyzing different schemes of authentication, respective advantages and disadvantages, and probable causes of the ‘very disconnect’ between user and password mechanisms. The evolution of passwords and how they have deep-rooted in our life is remarkable. This paper addresses the gap between the user and industry perspectives of password authentication, the state of art of password authentication and how the most investigated topic in password authentication changed over time. The author’s tries to distinguish password based authentication into two levels ‘User Centric Design Level’ and the ‘Machine Centric Protocol Level’ under one framework. The paper concludes with the special section covering the ways in which password based authentication system can be strengthened on the issues which are currently holding-in the password based authentication.
[...] Read more.Social engineering is the attack aimed to manipulate dupe to divulge sensitive information or take actions to help the adversary bypass the secure perimeter in front of the information-related resources so that the attacking goals can be completed. Though there are a number of security tools, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems which are used to protect machines from being attacked, widely accepted mechanism to prevent dupe from fraud is lacking. However, the human element is often the weakest link of an information security chain, especially, in a human-centered environment. In this paper, we reveal that the human psychological weaknesses result in the main vulnerabilities that can be exploited by social engineering attacks. Also, we capture two essential levels, internal characteristics of human nature and external circumstance influences, to explore the root cause of the human weaknesses. We unveil that the internal characteristics of human nature can be converted into weaknesses by external circumstance influences. So, we propose the I-E based model of human weakness for social engineering investigation. Based on this model, we analyzed the vulnerabilities exploited by different techniques of social engineering, and also, we conclude several defense approaches to fix the human weaknesses. This work can help the security researchers to gain insights into social engineering from a different perspective, and in particular, enhance the current and future research on social engineering defense mechanisms.
[...] Read more.For solving the crimes committed on digital materials, they have to be copied. An evidence must be copied properly in valid methods that provide legal availability. Otherwise, the material cannot be used as an evidence. Image acquisition of the materials from the crime scene by using the proper hardware and software tools makes the obtained data legal evidence. Choosing the proper format and verification function when image acquisition affects the steps in the research process. For this purpose, investigators use hardware and software tools. Hardware tools assure the integrity and trueness of the image through write-protected method. As for software tools, they provide usage of certain write-protect hardware tools or acquisition of the disks that are directly linked to a computer. Image acquisition through write-protect hardware tools assures them the feature of forensic copy. Image acquisition only through software tools do not ensure the forensic copy feature. During the image acquisition process, different formats like E01, AFF, DD can be chosen. In order to provide the integrity and trueness of the copy, hash values have to be calculated using verification functions like SHA and MD series. In this study, image acquisition process through hardware-software are shown. Hardware acquisition of a 200 GB capacity hard disk is made through Tableau TD3 and CRU Ditto. The images of the same storage are taken through Tableau, CRU and RTX USB bridge and through FTK imager and Forensic Imager; then comparative performance assessment results are presented.
[...] Read more.Represented paper is currently topical, because of year on year increasing quantity and diversity of attacks on computer networks that causes significant losses for companies. This work provides abilities of such problems solving as: existing methods of location of anomalies and current hazards at networks, statistical methods consideration, as effective methods of anomaly detection and experimental discovery of choosed method effectiveness. The method of network traffic capture and analysis during the network segment passive monitoring is considered in this work. Also, the processing way of numerous network traffic indexes for further network information safety level evaluation is proposed. Represented methods and concepts usage allows increasing of network segment reliability at the expense of operative network anomalies capturing, that could testify about possible hazards and such information is very useful for the network administrator. To get a proof of the method effectiveness, several network attacks, whose data is storing in specialised DARPA dataset, were chosen. Relevant parameters for every attack type were calculated. In such a way, start and termination time of the attack could be obtained by this method with insignificant error for some methods.
[...] Read more.Classification is the technique of identifying and assigning individual quantities to a group or a set. In pattern recognition, K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm is a non-parametric method for classification and regression. The K-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) technique has been widely used in data mining and machine learning because it is simple yet very useful with distinguished performance. Classification is used to predict the labels of test data points after training sample data. Over the past few decades, researchers have proposed many classification methods, but still, KNN (K-Nearest Neighbor) is one of the most popular methods to classify the data set. The input consists of k closest examples in each space, the neighbors are picked up from a set of objects or objects having same properties or value, this can be considered as a training dataset. In this paper, we have used two normalization techniques to classify the IRIS Dataset and measure the accuracy of classification using Cross-Validation method using R-Programming. The two approaches considered in this paper are - Data with Z-Score Normalization and Data with Min-Max Normalization.
[...] Read more.The creation and developing of a wireless network communication that is fast, secure, dependable, and cost-effective enough to suit the needs of the modern world is a difficult undertaking. Channel coding schemes must be chosen carefully to ensure timely and error-free data transfer in a noisy and fading channel. To ensure that the data received matches the data transmitted, channel coding is an essential part of the communication system's architecture. NR LDPC (New Radio Low Density Parity Check) code has been recommended for the fifth-generation (5G) to achieve the need for more internet traffic capacity in mobile communications and to provide both high coding gain and low energy consumption. This research presents NR-LDPC for data transmission over two different multipath fading channel models, such as Nakagami-m and Rayleigh in AWGN. The BER performance of the NR-LDPC code using two kinds of rate-compatible base graphs has been examined for the QAM-OFDM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) system and compared to the uncoded QAM-OFDM system. The BER performance obtained via Monte Carlo simulation demonstrates that the LDPC works efficiently with two different kinds of channel models: those that do not fade and those that fade and achieves significant BER improvements with high coding gain. It makes sense to use LDPC codes in 5G because they are more efficient for long data transmissions, and the key to a good code is an effective decoding algorithm. The results demonstrated a coding gain improvement of up to 15 dB at 10-3 BER.
[...] Read more.Present research work describes advancement in standard routing protocol AODV for mobile ad-hoc networks. Our mechanism sets up multiple optimal paths with the criteria of bandwidth and delay to store multiple optimal paths in the network. At time of link failure, it will switch to next available path. We have used the information that we get in the RREQ packet and also send RREP packet to more than one path, to set up multiple paths, It reduces overhead of local route discovery at the time of link failure and because of this End to End Delay and Drop Ratio decreases. The main feature of our mechanism is its simplicity and improved efficiency. This evaluates through simulations the performance of the AODV routing protocol including our scheme and we compare it with HLSMPRA (Hot Link Split Multi-Path Routing Algorithm) Algorithm. Indeed, our scheme reduces routing load of network, end to end delay, packet drop ratio, and route error sent. The simulations have been performed using network simulator OPNET. The network simulator OPNET is discrete event simulation software for network simulations which means it simulates events not only sending and receiving packets but also forwarding and dropping packets. This modified algorithm has improved efficiency, with more reliability than Previous Algorithm.
[...] Read more.Thanks to recent technological advancements, low-cost sensors with dispensation and communication capabilities are now feasible. As an example, a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network in which the nodes are mobile computers that exchange data with one another over wireless connections rather than relying on a central server. These inexpensive sensor nodes are particularly vulnerable to a clone node or replication assault because of their limited processing power, memory, battery life, and absence of tamper-resistant hardware. Once an attacker compromises a sensor node, they can create many copies of it elsewhere in the network that share the same ID. This would give the attacker complete internal control of the network, allowing them to mimic the genuine nodes' behavior. This is why scientists are so intent on developing better clone assault detection procedures. This research proposes a machine learning based clone node detection (ML-CND) technique to identify clone nodes in wireless networks. The goal is to identify clones effectively enough to prevent cloning attacks from happening in the first place. Use a low-cost identity verification process to identify clones in specific locations as well as around the globe. Using the Optimized Extreme Learning Machine (OELM), with kernels of ELM ideally determined through the Horse Herd Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm (HHO), this technique safeguards the network from node identity replicas. Using the node identity replicas, the most reliable transmission path may be selected. The procedure is meant to be used to retrieve data from a network node. The simulation result demonstrates the performance analysis of several factors, including sensitivity, specificity, recall, and detection.
[...] Read more.D2D (Device-to-device) communication has a major role in communication technology with resource and power allocation being a major attribute of the network. The existing method for D2D communication has several problems like slow convergence, low accuracy, etc. To overcome these, a D2D communication using distributed deep learning with a coot bird optimization algorithm has been proposed. In this work, D2D communication is combined with the Coot Bird Optimization algorithm to enhance the performance of distributed deep learning. Reducing the interference of eNB with the use of deep learning can achieve near-optimal throughput. Distributed deep learning trains the devices as a group and it works independently to reduce the training time of the devices. This model confirms the independent resource allocation with optimized power value and the least Bit Error Rate for D2D communication while sustaining the quality of services. The model is finally trained and tested successfully and is found to work for power allocation with an accuracy of 99.34%, giving the best fitness of 80%, the worst fitness value of 46%, mean value of 6.76 and 0.55 STD value showing better performance compared to the existing works.
[...] Read more.The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the promising technologies of the future. It offers many attractive features that we depend on nowadays with less effort and faster in real-time. However, it is still vulnerable to various threats and attacks due to the obstacles of its heterogeneous ecosystem, adaptive protocols, and self-configurations. In this paper, three different 6LoWPAN attacks are implemented in the IoT via Contiki OS to generate the proposed dataset that reflects the 6LoWPAN features in IoT. For analyzed attacks, six scenarios have been implemented. Three of these are free of malicious nodes, and the others scenarios include malicious nodes. The typical scenarios are a benchmark for the malicious scenarios for comparison, extraction, and exploration of the features that are affected by attackers. These features are used as criteria input to train and test our proposed hybrid Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS) to detect and prevent 6LoWPAN attacks in the IoT ecosystem. The proposed hybrid IDPS has been trained and tested with improved accuracy on both KoU-6LoWPAN-IoT and Edge IIoT datasets. In the proposed hybrid IDPS for the detention phase, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) classifier achieved the highest accuracy among the models in both the 2-class and N-class. Before the accuracy improved in our proposed dataset with the 4-class and 2-class mode, the ANN classifier achieved 95.65% and 99.95%, respectively, while after the accuracy optimization reached 99.84% and 99.97%, respectively. For the Edge IIoT dataset, before the accuracy improved with the 15-class and 2-class modes, the ANN classifier achieved 95.14% and 99.86%, respectively, while after the accuracy optimized up to 97.64% and 99.94%, respectively. Also, the decision tree-based models achieved lightweight models due to their lower computational complexity, so these have an appropriate edge computing deployment. Whereas other ML models reach heavyweight models and are required more computational complexity, these models have an appropriate deployment in cloud or fog computing in IoT networks.
[...] Read more.There is no doubt that, even after the development of many other authentication schemes, passwords remain one of the most popular means of authentication. A review in the field of password based authentication is addressed, by introducing and analyzing different schemes of authentication, respective advantages and disadvantages, and probable causes of the ‘very disconnect’ between user and password mechanisms. The evolution of passwords and how they have deep-rooted in our life is remarkable. This paper addresses the gap between the user and industry perspectives of password authentication, the state of art of password authentication and how the most investigated topic in password authentication changed over time. The author’s tries to distinguish password based authentication into two levels ‘User Centric Design Level’ and the ‘Machine Centric Protocol Level’ under one framework. The paper concludes with the special section covering the ways in which password based authentication system can be strengthened on the issues which are currently holding-in the password based authentication.
[...] Read more.These days cloud computing is booming like no other technology. Every organization whether it’s small, mid-sized or big, wants to adapt this cutting edge technology for its business. As cloud technology becomes immensely popular among these businesses, the question arises: Which cloud model to consider for your business? There are four types of cloud models available in the market: Public, Private, Hybrid and Community. This review paper answers the question, which model would be most beneficial for your business. All the four models are defined, discussed and compared with the benefits and pitfalls, thus giving you a clear idea, which model to adopt for your organization.
[...] Read more.An important task of designing complex computer systems is to ensure high reliability. Many authors investigate this problem and solve it in various ways. Most known methods are based on the use of natural or artificially introduced redundancy. This redundancy can be used passively and/or actively with (or without) restructuring of the computer system. This article explores new technologies for improving fault tolerance through the use of natural and artificially introduced redundancy of the applied number system. We consider a non-positional number system in residual classes and use the following properties: independence, equality, and small capacity of residues that define a non-positional code structure. This allows you to: parallelize arithmetic calculations at the level of decomposition of the remainders of numbers; implement spatial spacing of data elements with the possibility of their subsequent asynchronous independent processing; perform tabular execution of arithmetic operations of the base set and polynomial functions with single-cycle sampling of the result of a modular operation. Using specific examples, we present the calculation and comparative analysis of the reliability of computer systems. The conducted studies have shown that the use of non-positional code structures in the system of residual classes provides high reliability. In addition, with an increase in the bit grid of computing devices, the efficiency of using the system of residual classes increases. Our studies show that in order to increase reliability, it is advisable to reserve small nodes and blocks of a complex system, since the failure rate of individual elements is always less than the failure rate of the entire computer system.
[...] Read more.Remote access technologies encrypt data to enforce policies and ensure protection. Attackers leverage such techniques to launch carefully crafted evasion attacks introducing malware and other unwanted traffic to the internal network. Traditional security controls such as anti-virus software, firewall, and intrusion detection systems (IDS) decrypt network traffic and employ signature and heuristic-based approaches for malware inspection. In the past, machine learning (ML) approaches have been proposed for specific malware detection and traffic type characterization. However, decryption introduces computational overheads and dilutes the privacy goal of encryption. The ML approaches employ limited features and are not objectively developed for remote access security. This paper presents a novel ML-based approach to encrypted remote access attack detection using a weighted random forest (W-RF) algorithm. Key features are determined using feature importance scores. Class weighing is used to address the imbalanced data distribution problem common in remote access network traffic where attacks comprise only a small proportion of network traffic. Results obtained during the evaluation of the approach on benign virtual private network (VPN) and attack network traffic datasets that comprise verified normal hosts and common attacks in real-world network traffic are presented. With recall and precision of 100%, the approach demonstrates effective performance. The results for k-fold cross-validation and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) mean area under the curve (AUC) demonstrate that the approach effectively detects attacks in encrypted remote access network traffic, successfully averting attackers and network intrusions.
[...] Read more.Information security is an important part of the current interactive world. It is very much essential for the end-user to preserve the confidentiality and integrity of their sensitive data. As such, information encoding is significant to defend against access from the non-authorized user. This paper is presented with an aim to build a system with a fusion of Cryptography and Steganography methods for scrambling the input image and embed into a carrier media by enhancing the security level. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is helpful in achieving high security with a smaller key size. In this paper, ECC with modification is used to encrypt and decrypt the input image. Carrier media is transformed into frequency bands by utilizing Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). The encrypted hash of the input is hidden in high-frequency bands of carrier media by the process of Least-Significant-Bit (LSB). This approach is successful to achieve data confidentiality along with data integrity. Data integrity is verified by using SHA-256. Simulation outcomes of this method have been analyzed by measuring performance metrics. This method enhances the security of images obtained with 82.7528db of PSNR, 0.0012 of MSE, and SSIM as 1 compared to other existing scrambling methods.
[...] Read more.Election Commission of X City is an institution that serves as the organizer of elections in the X City, which has a website as a medium in the delivery of information to the public and as a medium for the management and structuring of voter data in the domicile of X City. As a website that stores sensitive data, it is necessary to have risk management aimed at improving the security aspects of the website of Election Commission of X City. The Information System Security Assessment Framework (ISSAF) is a penetration testing standard used to test website resilience, with nine stages of attack testing which has several advantages over existing security controls against threats and security gaps, and serves as a bridge between technical and managerial views of penetration testing by applying the necessary controls on both aspects. Penetration testing is carried out to find security holes on the website, which can then be used for assessment on ISO 31000 risk management which includes the stages of risk identification, risk analysis, and risk evaluation. The main findings of this study are testing a combination of penetration testing using the ISSAF framework and ISO 31000 risk management to obtain the security risks posed by a website. Based on this research, obtained the results that there are 18 security gaps from penetration testing, which based on ISO 31000 risk management assessment there are two types of security risks with high level, eight risks of medium level security vulnerabilities, and eight risks of security vulnerability with low levels. Some recommendations are given to overcome the risk of gaps found on the website.
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