IJEME Vol. 11, No. 6, 8 Dec. 2021
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Extreme affection, Mental health, Children intelligence, Behavioral changes, Parental care
A nation's most valuable resource is its children. In the future, a nation will be controlled in the same way that a kid will develop. The majority of parent’s lack expertise about how to help their children develop a positive outlook. We concluded in our study by analyzing the association between parental excessive affection and the development of children's intelligence. Through the use of a questionnaire, information was gathered from 531 families. Whereas 43 percent of parents show excessive affection to their children, while 45 percent lavish proper affection. On the other hand, in our study, 48 percent of the children had an IQ score of less than 49. We have identified the alterations in their child's brain as a result of their parents' blind affection and have also identified remedies to the problem. We analyzed it so that the growth of children's intelligence is not hampered by their parents' excessive affection and that the parents and children enjoy a close relationship with their parents.
Prodipto Bishnu Angon, Sujit Mondal, Chandona Rani Das, Mintu Kumar Bishnu, " Behavioral Changes of Children Intelligence for the Extreme Affection of Parents", International Journal of Education and Management Engineering (IJEME), Vol.11, No.6, pp. 20-28, 2021. DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2021.06.03
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