IJIEEB Vol. 8, No. 6, 8 Nov. 2016
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Compiling Web-Applications, Qt, C++, GUI, Executables, PHP, Seamless Server Installations, Web-Applications’ Servers and Databases
Server-side scripts like Hyper-Text Preprocessor, Active Server Pages, and their interaction with databases, has been one of the most popularly used packages for Large Database Intensive Enterprise Software today. In this paper, an approach based on a detailed and efficient method for compiling Web-Applications into executable formats to increase ease of software distribution, where limited internet access exists, is proposed. By this approach, first, one of the server-side scripts and a very popular web-application language in the world, Hyper-Text Preprocessor, is employed as a case study. Second, the methodology of using C++ for writing server installation scripts and creating Graphics User Interface Applications with Qt is shown, with tested applications. Third, Inno Setup Compiler scripts are written and used for compiling into installation and uninstallation setup files. Finally, the relevance of offline Web-Applications for solving scientific problems, the enhancement of C++ codes powered by Graphics User Interface for scientific computation, through inter-channels communication using Qt, and the steps required to easily conquer the challenges faced during the installation of Web-Applications’ Servers and Databases like MySQL, are discussed. This approach is efficiently manifested by indicating and confirming this computational potential in the installation and usage of offline web-applications.
Emmanuel C. Paul, "Methodology of Compiling Web-Applications into Executables, Obtaining Seamless Server Installations and GUI Navigations through Qt and C++ Process Communications", International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business(IJIEEB), Vol.8, No.6, pp.28-36, 2016. DOI:10.5815/ijieeb.2016.06.04
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