Peculiarities of Manifestation of Student Youth' Roles and Positions in the Cyberbullying Process

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Liubov Pomytkina 1,* Yuliia Podkopaieva 1 Kateryna Hordiienko 1

1. National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

* Corresponding author.


Received: 5 Sep. 2021 / Revised: 12 Oct. 2021 / Accepted: 9 Nov. 2021 / Published: 8 Dec. 2021

Index Terms

Cyberpsychology, cyberbullying, psychological violence, self-esteem, social networks, student youth


To date, with the spread of the global pandemic, more and more student youth are involved in learning and living in cyberspace. Isolation and self-isolation contribute to the transfer of communication to cyberspace, which leads to more young people being in online space. However, as the authors point out, along with the intensification of communications, there are also destructive manifestations of behavior in the Internet space, which include cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a systematic manifestation of destructive behavior, which contains a socio-role structure, where the initiator or group of bullies are morally and psychologically bullying in order to harm the victim, using information and communication tools. The growth of cyberbullying among student youth leads to demotivation in educational activities, low self-esteem, and even to post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. This encourages scientists, psychologists and teachers to study this phenomenon more deeply to understand its nature, causes, possible psychological diagnosis and, further, to create tools for psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection, which aims to help the younger generation develop harmoniously as personalities, as well as future professionals. To date, the holistic method of diagnosing the manifestations of cyberbullying and uncertain features of its impact on student youth is insufficiently developed in psychology. The proposed study will expand knowledge about the means of detecting psychological violence in social networks in terms of professional training and personal development of students, which has theoretical and practical significance in psychological and pedagogical activity. The article highlights the results of the study of cyberbullying manifestations among student youth, which are due to the factors of the negative impact of information and communication technologies on the process of their formation in the digital space. The aim of the article was to identify the features of the manifestation of cyberbullying and its impact on student youth. Methods of empirical research: to detect cyberbullying among students, the method to identify roles and positions held by young people (author Norkina O.; modification of Podkopaieva Y., Hordiienko K.), method "Determination of self-esteem level" (author Kovalev S.), individual interviews, questionnaires were used. Within the survey method, the questionnaire of Makarova O. "Psychological features of cyberbullying as a form of Internet crime" (modified by K. Hordiienko) was used. To process and interpret the measurement results by comparing primary self-assessment statistic data from different groups, namely cyberbullies, assistants, defenders, victims and witnesses, the percentages of obtained data, descriptive statistics and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion for one sample using IBM SPSS Statistics Base 22.0 were used. Based on the obtained results and their comparison, tables and figures of data to be analyzed were constructed. Results: the motives for the use of social networks by students are clarified; the roles and dominant types of student positions during cyberbullying are specified; the peculiarities of the response of young people to cyberbullying in social networks are determined; the correspondence between the roles and positions occupied by students during cyberbullying and their self-esteem is established. Empirically, new data on cyberbullying among students have been obtained, which will provide an impetus for the development of methods of prevention and psychocorrection of Internet violence among students of higher education institutions and improvement of knowledge and understanding in the field of cyberpsychology. The quality of the research is the new results about cyberbullying, its features, manifestations, roles and their relationship with self-esteem, which expands understanding and concretizes the problem among students, and thus gives an understanding of how to deal with this negative phenomenon.

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Liubov Pomytkina, Yuliia Podkopaieva, Kateryna Hordiienko, " Peculiarities of Manifestation of Student Youth' Roles and Positions in the Cyberbullying Process", International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science(IJMECS), Vol.13, No.6, pp. 1-10, 2021.DOI: 10.5815/ijmecs.2021.06.01


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