Adelia Juli Kardika

Work place: Forest Management, Polytechnic of Agricultural, Samarinda, Indonesia



Research Interests: Multimedia Information System, Information Systems, Computer systems and computational processes


Chinedu Reginald Opara is a Lecturer in Telecommunications Engineering, in Federal University of Technology Owerri. He holds a Master’s Degree in Communications Engineering and presently doing his PhD in the same field of Engineering. His research interest is in 5G networks and Smart Technology.

Author Articles
Development Web-GIS of Commodity Information System for Agriculture, Establishment and Forestry in Marangkayu District

By Adelia Juli Kardika Aulia Khoirunnita Salman Saharuddin Indah Muliana

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Oct. 2022

Agriculture, Plantation and Forestry Commodities are the main sectors supporting household daily needs and people's income for improving the economy. District of Marangkayu is located in Kutai Kartanegara area, East Kalimantan Province, where geographical condition consists of the terrain of hilly steeps surrounding the lake of Kutai Kartanegara. The geographical contours make the sector of agriculture, plantation and forestry the people's primary choice to meet the needs of household as well as increase the standard of economy of the people. In order to maintain the stability of price and production of agricultural commodities, Commodity Information System is required to provide information of the location, coordinate of positions, area of production, as well as presenting information of prices, price fluctuations and changes, along with a display of information over the accumulation of agricultural commodity production of the Kutai Kartanegara area, with additional features of appropriate distribution and production thereof. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the Web-Based Geographic Information System (GIS) for Agricultural Commodity, Plantation and Forestry of Marangkayu Area. GIS application is built using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method, which consists of the phase of Requirements planning, User design phase, Construction phase and Cut-over phase. Database for the implementation uses PostgreSQL and PostGIS extensions. Programming language uses PHP, JavaScript, and HTML. The interface implementation is built using Bootstrap. The testing of the application uses the Black box testing method. The results of the test show that the Web-Based GIS Application has met the needs of the requirement system and the problems.

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