Aulia Khoirunnita

Work place: STMIK Widya Cipa Dharma, Samarinda, Indonesia



Research Interests: Multimedia Information System, Information Storage Systems, Information Systems, Computer systems and computational processes


Aulia Khoirunnita, S.Kom, M. Kom, born in Samarinda on August 17, 1993. S1 higher education at STMIK Widya Cipta Dharma (2015). While the Master's Computer from Amikom University (2022), Specialized in Information System and Audit System.

Author Articles
E-Commerce Information System for Marketing Agricultural Products in Kutai Kartanegara Regency

By Reza Andrea Aulia Khoirunnita Nuratika

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2024

The research aims to develop an innovative solution to address the marketing challenges faced by Kutai Kartanegara Regency, where a majority of the population is engaged in agriculture. Limited access for farmers to sell their harvests poses a significant obstacle. The proposed solution involves the implementation of a Business-to-Business (B2B) e-commerce system to enhance sales and expand marketing opportunities. In the context of global digital transformation, the integration of e-commerce is not only advantageous but also deemed a necessity. Adopting a research and development approach, the study utilizes the PHP programming language and MySQL database to create a dynamic, web-based B2B sales application. The potential broader impacts of this research extend beyond facilitating agricultural product sales; the envisioned e-commerce system holds the promise of catalyzing economic growth. By providing farmers with a platform not only for selling their products but also for engaging in strategic B2B transactions, the system becomes a driver of economic empowerment. The research incorporates insights from relevant studies emphasizing the role of e-commerce in enhancing agricultural outcomes, addressing both technological and socio-economic factors comprehensively. The research methods, including interviews, direct observations, and literature studies, reflect a holistic understanding of the challenges and needs faced by the agricultural community. The outcome is the proposed B2B e-commerce system, which has the potential to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and broaden market reach. Use case diagrams and class diagrams serve not only as technical guides but also as visual representations of a user-friendly system, emphasizing a user-centric approach and the potential for transformative change from the main page to sales reports. The significance of this research extends beyond technological advancements; it holds the potential to redefine the socio-economic landscape of Kutai Kartanegara Regency. By empowering farmers, facilitating strategic transactions, and fostering collaboration between traditional agriculture and modern commerce, the proposed B2B e-commerce system becomes a catalyst for sustainable growth and a potential contributor to broader economic prosperity.

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Development E-commerce Information System of Agriculture in Samarinda

By Asep Nurhuda Aulia Khoirunnita Arika Rusli Dimas K. Umami Sri Handayani

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2022

Samarinda village is a village that is predominantly working as a farmer and has a wide range of agricultural products, in addition to the abundance of agricultural products there is a problem of marketing of agricultural products that do not have access to sell their agricultural products. Authors conducted research in order to increase sales and expand marketing in the Village Samarinda through sales system-based Business to the Business and method development using the Research and Development. The results obtained in the form of a web site that can be accessed to serve online sales transaction so that it can increase sales in the village Samarinda.

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Development Web-GIS of Commodity Information System for Agriculture, Establishment and Forestry in Marangkayu District

By Adelia Juli Kardika Aulia Khoirunnita Salman Saharuddin Indah Muliana

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Oct. 2022

Agriculture, Plantation and Forestry Commodities are the main sectors supporting household daily needs and people's income for improving the economy. District of Marangkayu is located in Kutai Kartanegara area, East Kalimantan Province, where geographical condition consists of the terrain of hilly steeps surrounding the lake of Kutai Kartanegara. The geographical contours make the sector of agriculture, plantation and forestry the people's primary choice to meet the needs of household as well as increase the standard of economy of the people. In order to maintain the stability of price and production of agricultural commodities, Commodity Information System is required to provide information of the location, coordinate of positions, area of production, as well as presenting information of prices, price fluctuations and changes, along with a display of information over the accumulation of agricultural commodity production of the Kutai Kartanegara area, with additional features of appropriate distribution and production thereof. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the Web-Based Geographic Information System (GIS) for Agricultural Commodity, Plantation and Forestry of Marangkayu Area. GIS application is built using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method, which consists of the phase of Requirements planning, User design phase, Construction phase and Cut-over phase. Database for the implementation uses PostgreSQL and PostGIS extensions. Programming language uses PHP, JavaScript, and HTML. The interface implementation is built using Bootstrap. The testing of the application uses the Black box testing method. The results of the test show that the Web-Based GIS Application has met the needs of the requirement system and the problems.

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