
Work place: Software Engineering Technology, Polytechnic of Agricultural, Samarinda, 17131, Indonesia



Research Interests:


Nuratika was born on May 5, 2002, and resides in Harapan Baru, Samarinda Seberang, Samarinda City. She pursued her studies in Software Engineering Technology at Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic and holds a Diploma Four degree. She is the third of five siblings, completing her primary education at SDN 037 INP Lekopadis, MTs 1 Tinambung, and SMK Negeri 1 Tinambung in Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi Province.

Author Articles
E-Commerce Information System for Marketing Agricultural Products in Kutai Kartanegara Regency

By Reza Andrea Aulia Khoirunnita Nuratika

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2024

The research aims to develop an innovative solution to address the marketing challenges faced by Kutai Kartanegara Regency, where a majority of the population is engaged in agriculture. Limited access for farmers to sell their harvests poses a significant obstacle. The proposed solution involves the implementation of a Business-to-Business (B2B) e-commerce system to enhance sales and expand marketing opportunities. In the context of global digital transformation, the integration of e-commerce is not only advantageous but also deemed a necessity. Adopting a research and development approach, the study utilizes the PHP programming language and MySQL database to create a dynamic, web-based B2B sales application. The potential broader impacts of this research extend beyond facilitating agricultural product sales; the envisioned e-commerce system holds the promise of catalyzing economic growth. By providing farmers with a platform not only for selling their products but also for engaging in strategic B2B transactions, the system becomes a driver of economic empowerment. The research incorporates insights from relevant studies emphasizing the role of e-commerce in enhancing agricultural outcomes, addressing both technological and socio-economic factors comprehensively. The research methods, including interviews, direct observations, and literature studies, reflect a holistic understanding of the challenges and needs faced by the agricultural community. The outcome is the proposed B2B e-commerce system, which has the potential to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and broaden market reach. Use case diagrams and class diagrams serve not only as technical guides but also as visual representations of a user-friendly system, emphasizing a user-centric approach and the potential for transformative change from the main page to sales reports. The significance of this research extends beyond technological advancements; it holds the potential to redefine the socio-economic landscape of Kutai Kartanegara Regency. By empowering farmers, facilitating strategic transactions, and fostering collaboration between traditional agriculture and modern commerce, the proposed B2B e-commerce system becomes a catalyst for sustainable growth and a potential contributor to broader economic prosperity.

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