International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing (IJIGSP)

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IJIGSP Vol. 16, No. 6, Dec. 2024


Underwater Image Refinement: Color Distance and Image Formation Model (DIMFM)

By Shivani Gaikwad Sachin Patil

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2024

Underwater photography is frequently used for research purpose in various domains. Domains caters to archaeology, surveillance of aquatic life movements, oceanic changes leading to alterations in weather and many more. Scientists are eager to investigate the mysterious undersea environment. For underwater surveys, archaeology departments and weather forecasting scientists obtain undersea photos. The underwater imagery however has low vision and contrast due to haze. The elimination of haze could be difficult because it depends on depth information that is unclear. Moreover, it’s challenging and complicated to clear the haze so as to enhance the underwater image. According to the investigation, fog removal algorithms currently in use do not take noise reduction approaches into account. Dehazing techniques have a hard time dealing with areas that are unevenly and excessively light. Therefore, it is vital to alter current techniques in order to make them more efficient. This work presents an innovative integrated underwater picture restoration technique. The proposed technique is in line to a pre-determined technique namely Underwater Image Formation Model. The new approach combines Bilateral Filtering, Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization and Dark Channel Prior for better results. First, the underwater image undergoes bilateral filtering to eliminate color discrepancies. The improved image is output of the differentiation between forward and background channel. Further, the Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalizations methodology is used to produce contrast-enhanced images. Experimental results signpost that the proposed novel technique generates superior visual effects compared to other widely used undersea color image quality evaluation techniques.

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Glaucoma Detection and Severity Diagnosis from Fundus Images Using Dual CNN Architectures

By G. Latha P. Aruna Priya

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2024

Glaucoma, a series of progressive eye illnesses, is a primary worldwide health concern. Glaucoma, sometimes known as the "silent thief of sight," progressively affects the optic nerve, resulting in permanent vision loss and, in extreme instances, blindness. It is essential to recognize glaucoma in its earlier stages so that patients can receive treatment sooner and prevent further vision loss. An effective method for detecting glaucoma by analyzing retinal images with the assistance of a deep learning strategy is presented as a potential solution in this article. The framework presented for detecting glaucoma comprises two modules that rely on one another: the Retinal Image Classification Module (RICM) and the Retinal Image Diagnosis Module (RIDM). The retinal image is classified as either a normal or a glaucoma retinal image by the RICM module, which uses the CNN classifier. The RIDM detects the neuro rim region from the glaucoma retinal image by segmenting OD and OC, and the Dual Functional CNN (DFCNN) classifier is proposed to diagnose the severity stages of the glaucoma image based on the feature patterns that are extracted from the neuroretinal rim in the glaucoma image. Both low- and high-resolution retinal image datasets, known as HRF and PAPILA, are utilized in this study to investigate the proposed approaches for glaucoma identification and severity estimate. Compared to other methods considered to be state-of-the-art, the simulation's findings show that it is successful. Ophthalmologists benefit from the suggested model since it assists them in effectively recognizing glaucoma in patients, which in turn allows for improved diagnosis and the prevention of premature vision loss.

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Shape-Based Wound Localization in Diabetic Foot Ulcer Using Foot Thermograms

By Naveen Sharma Satbir Singh Ashu Rastogi Mirza Sarfaraj Prasant Kumar Mahapatra

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2024

The early detection of diabetic ulcers using thermal imaging is an important aspect of non-invasive medical instrumentation. An accurate assessment of a diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) using a machine-based approach requires a crystal-clear region of interest (ROI) of the foot ulcer. Different shapes based on automatic contour determination after the segmentation procedure can act as a major guide for the purpose of appropriate localization of the ROI. The purpose of this paper is to present a novel shape-area-based analysis for precisely localizing the ROI from the patient’s foot. The novel data set, which is suitable for Indian healthcare settings, was created at PGIMER hospital Chandigarh with the support of specialized clinicians. A comparison of various cutting-edge segmentation techniques was carried out. The quantitative analysis concluded that the average area (AA) of ROI, derived from different shapes, was extremely close to the ground truth values and thus offered a better prospective to automatically examine the ulcer area.

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An Approach to Improve Fisher-Yates Shuffling Based Image Encryption Using Parallelization on CPU

By Sangeeta Sharma Aman Chauhan Nihal Srivastava Kritik Danyal Mukesh Kumar Giluka

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2024

The advancement of technology has resulted in a substantial rise in the number of computing devices and the volume of data being transmitted over networks. The need for fast and secure data encryption has become imperative in response to the increase in data transmission and computing devices. In our previous work, we presented a Fisher-Yates Shuffling (FYS) based image encryption algorithm with a timeout feature that ensures improved security and privacy, regardless of key size. However, the implementation was sequential, and it did not fully utilize the multi-core architecture available on modern computer systems. Therefore, this paper seeks to optimize the FYS-based image encryption algorithm’s performance by parallelizing it on a CPU, with the aim of improving its speed without compromising its security and privacy features. The use of Joblib and multithreading are employed to generate the SHA keys, with a quad-core processor with eight logical processors utilized for the research. The parallelization approach has been tested over thousands of images and has been shown to improve the encryption speed by 2 to 5 times compared to the FYS-based image encryption algorithm. The results demonstrate that using CPU parallelization significantly increases the performance of the FYS-based image encryption algorithm.

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Analysis of Multichannel Neurophysiological Signal for Identifying Epileptic Cases Using Hybrid Deep-Nets

By Shipra Swati Mukesh Kumar

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2024

Neurophysiological parameters revealed by resting-state electroencephalography (rsEEG) may be helpful in the diagnosis of various brain diseases like Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, depressive disorders, and many others. Due to the abrupt onset of seizures, Epilepsy is a chronic nerve illness that interferes with an epileptic patient's regular everyday activities. However, manual investigation of EEG for finding epileptiform discharges by skilled neurologists is a laborious, time-consuming, and error-prone process. It might cause a significant delay in providing clinical care to a person who could have epilepsy. This work offers a straightforward method for analyzing EEG data for the purpose of identifying epileptic features by iteratively simulating multiple deep learning models. It also attempts to include big data analytics for handling the challenge of analyzing the mountain of unstructured EEG data, available and accessible in numerous formats. In contrast to the state-of-the-art works, the performance scores of the proposed methods show significant improvement for the considered assessment parameters. Additionally, after testifying the performance of this proposed technique for relevant datasets, its application can be extended to identify other neurodegenerative disorders as well. Therefore, this study can assist physicians and healthcare professionals in the efficient care and treatment of patients with mental health issues.

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A Novel GAN with DNA Sequences and Hash-based Approach for Improving Medical Image Security

By Anita Murmu Piyush Kumar

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2024

Medical imaging is a field of medicine where doctors use images of different body organs to treat or diagnose patients. Nowadays, medical image segmentation, compression, and security are currently relatively difficult issues for illness diagnosis. These medical pictures are being sent via the internet; thus data must be protected against cyberattacks. Medical images are extremely sensitive to even slight changes, and data volumes are dramatically increasing the amount of the data. To protect the confidentiality of digital images saved online, privacy and security must be ensured.  In this paper, a novel DL-based Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) with tent map and hash-map utilized to generate a robust private key. The fake image is generated by using GAN. T It is suggested to use the 2D-Henon Sine Map (2D-HSM), DNA computing, chaotic maps, and a SHA-512-based strategy are proposed. The SHA-512 algorithm and the 2D-HSM are used to construct the key. The Henon map and the Mersenne Twister are used in a two-level encryption method that is shown (MT). After that, a DNA computing-based XOR operation is performed using the key. A decoding procedure based on DNA rules captures the encoded images. The comprehensive outcome is based on several security measures, such as key space, SSIM, information entropy, PSNR, and histogram analysis. The proposed technique performs better than the existing approaches.

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WOA Enabled Fuzzy-C-Means Segmentation for Accurate Detection of Polycystic Kidney Disease

By S. Helora Padmini C. Sujatha

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2024

Polycystic Kidney disease (PKD) is often caused due to inherited condition and it forms many cysts around the kidney, and it is damaged when it grow. Accurate segmentation of PKD is very crucial for a persistent MRI diagnostics. Because many people have no symptoms, they can lead to complications until the surgery is done to remove the cyst. Methods: For accurate detection PKD, the heap of MRI images have been considered, In this work, A novel method includes feature based Fuzzy C means (FFCM) with whale optimization algorithm (WOA) for accurate segmentation of kidney cyst. WOA is used to optimally attach the cluster centroids of FCM. In the conventional methods like mountain models and fuzzy C-shells models are used to identify the regions of interest (ROI). Result: The outcomes of FFCM and WOA based process are compared with the results from existing methods using IB-FCM and Fuzzy K-means and FCM model. Conclusion: However, an exact boundary of the region is obtained and  computed an experimental dispersal of the image by Feature extraction based Fuzzy C-Means Clustering segmentation. A detection process is based on the FFCM and WOA segmentation is accomplished to discriminate the normal cyst and the kidney disease. The experimental evaluation is accomplished through the use of Ischemic kidney Disease (IKD) database.

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CD-BGRU Net: Detection of Colon Cancer in Histopathology Images Using Bidirectional GRU with EfficientnetB0 Feature Extraction System

By Bhargavi Peddi Reddy G. S. Veena B. Nagarajan Bhawana S. Dakhare Vaibhav Eknath Pawar

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2024

Colon cancer is a growth of cells that begins in a part of the large intestine called the colon. Colon cancer happens when cells in the colon develop changes in their DNA. Consequently, fewer infections and fatalities may result from early identification of this cancer. Histological analysis is used for a final diagnosis of colon cancer. Histopathology, or the microscopic examination of damaged tissue, is crucial for both cancer diagnosis and treatment. This work suggests a novel deep learning technique for colon cancer detection effectively. Histopathology images are collected from various type of sources. To enhance the quality of raw images, pre-processed techniques such as image scaling, colour map improved image sharpening, and image restoration are used. Resize the image's dimensions in image resizing to minimize the processing time. A colour map enhances the sharpness of an image by combining two techniques: The contrast adjustment technique is used to alter the image's contrast first. The resultant image is then enhanced by applying the image sharpening process and scaling it using a weighting fraction. As using the final image has increased quality, blur and undesirable noise are removed using image restoration. Next, the pre-data are used in the Attention U-Net segmentation procedure, which segments the region of the pre-data. To extract features from this segmented image to perform an accurate diagnosis, efficientnetB0 is used. In data extraction, the Bidirectional GRU model is used to process the data further in order to develop predictions. When processing input sequences in both directions with the BiGRU model, it is feasible to gather contextual information to increase accuracy and predict colon cancer effectively. In the proposed model colon disease prediction classifier offer 97% accuracy, 96% specificity and 95.49% F1_score. Thus, the proposed model effectively predicts colon cancer and improves accuracy.

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Edibility Detection of Mushroom Using Ensemble Methods

By Nusrat Jahan Pinky S.M. Mohidul Islam Rafia Sharmin Alice

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Apr. 2019

Mushrooms are the most familiar delicious food which is cholesterol free as well as rich in vitamins and minerals. Though nearly 45,000 species of mushrooms have been known throughout the world, most of them are poisonous and few are lethally poisonous. Identifying edible or poisonous mushroom through the naked eye is quite difficult. Even there is no easy rule for edibility identification using machine learning methods that work for all types of data. Our aim is to find a robust method for identifying mushrooms edibility with better performance than existing works. In this paper, three ensemble methods are used to detect the edibility of mushrooms: Bagging, Boosting, and random forest. By using the most significant features, five feature sets are made for making five base models of each ensemble method. The accuracy is measured for ensemble methods using five both fixed feature set-based models and randomly selected feature set based models, for two types of test sets. The result shows that better performance is obtained for methods made of fixed feature sets-based models than randomly selected feature set-based models. The highest accuracy is obtained for the proposed model-based random forest for both test sets.

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Image Denoising based on Enhanced Wavelet Global Thresholding Using Intelligent Signal Processing Algorithm

By Joseph Isabona Agbotiname Lucky Imoize Stephen Ojo

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Oct. 2023

Denoising is a vital aspect of image preprocessing, often explored to eliminate noise in an image to restore its proper characteristic formation and clarity. Unfortunately, noise often degrades the quality of valuable images, making them meaningless for practical applications. Several methods have been deployed to address this problem, but the quality of the recovered images still requires enhancement for efficient applications in practice. In this paper, a wavelet-based universal thresholding technique that possesses the capacity to optimally denoise highly degraded noisy images with both uniform and non-uniform variations in illumination and contrast is proposed. The proposed method, herein referred to as the modified wavelet-based universal thresholding (MWUT), compared to three state-of-the-art denoising techniques, was employed to denoise five noisy images. In order to appraise the qualities of the images obtained, seven performance indicators comprising the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Structural Content (SC), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity Index Method (SSIM), Signal-to-Reconstruction-Error Ratio (SRER), Blind Spatial Quality Evaluator (NIQE), and Blind/Referenceless Image Spatial Quality Evaluator (BRISQUE) were employed. The first five indicators – RMSE, MAE, SC, PSNR, SSIM, and SRER- are reference indicators, while the remaining two – NIQE and BRISQUE- are referenceless. For the superior performance of the proposed wavelet threshold algorithm, the SC, PSNR, SSIM, and SRER must be higher, while lower values of NIQE, BRISQUE, RMSE, and MAE are preferred. A higher and better value of PSNR, SSIM, and SRER in the final results shows the superior performance of our proposed MWUT denoising technique over the preliminaries. Lower NIQE, BRISQUE, RMSE, and MAE values also indicate higher and better image quality results using the proposed modified wavelet-based universal thresholding technique over the existing schemes. The modified wavelet-based universal thresholding technique would find practical applications in digital image processing and enhancement.

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Evolutionary Image Enhancement Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm

By Dhirendra Pal Singh Ashish Khare

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Nov. 2013

Image Processing is the art of examining, identifying and judging the significances of the Images. Image enhancement refers to attenuation, or sharpening, of image features such as edgels, boundaries, or contrast to make the processed image more useful for analysis. Image enhancement procedures utilize the computers to provide good and improved images for study by the human interpreters. In this paper we proposed a novel method that uses the Genetic Algorithm with Multi-objective criteria to find more enhance version of images. The proposed method has been verified with benchmark images in Image Enhancement. The simple Genetic Algorithm may not explore much enough to find out more enhanced image. In the proposed method three objectives are taken in to consideration. They are intensity, entropy and number of edgels. Proposed algorithm achieved automatic image enhancement criteria by incorporating the objectives (intensity, entropy, edges). We review some of the existing Image Enhancement technique. We also compared the results of our algorithms with another Genetic Algorithm based techniques. We expect that further improvements can be achieved by incorporating linear relationship between some other techniques.

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A Review of Self-supervised Learning Methods in the Field of Medical Image Analysis

By Jiashu Xu

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2021

In the field of medical image analysis, supervised deep learning strategies have achieved significant development, while these methods rely on large labeled datasets. Self-Supervised learning (SSL) provides a new strategy to pre-train a neural network with unlabeled data. This is a new unsupervised learning paradigm that has achieved significant breakthroughs in recent years. So, more and more researchers are trying to utilize SSL methods for medical image analysis, to meet the challenge of assembling large medical datasets. To our knowledge, so far there still a shortage of reviews of self-supervised learning methods in the field of medical image analysis, our work of this article aims to fill this gap and comprehensively review the application of self-supervised learning in the medical field. This article provides the latest and most detailed overview of self-supervised learning in the medical field and promotes the development of unsupervised learning in the field of medical imaging. These methods are divided into three categories: context-based, generation-based, and contrast-based, and then show the pros and cons of each category and evaluates their performance in downstream tasks. Finally, we conclude with the limitations of the current methods and discussed the future direction.

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Text Region Extraction: A Morphological Based Image Analysis Using Genetic Algorithm

By Dhirendra Pal Singh Ashish Khare

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jan. 2015

Image analysis belongs to the area of computer vision and pattern recognition. These areas are also a part of digital image processing, where researchers have a great attention in the area of content retrieval information from various types of images having complex background, low contrast background or multi-spectral background etc. These contents may be found in any form like texture data, shape, and objects. Text Region Extraction as a content from an mage is a class of problems in Digital Image Processing Applications that aims to provides necessary information which are widely used in many fields medical imaging, pattern recognition, Robotics, Artificial intelligent Transport systems etc. To extract the text data information has becomes a challenging task. Since, Text extraction are very useful for identifying and analysis the whole information about image, Therefore, In this paper, we propose a unified framework by combining morphological operations and Genetic Algorithms for extracting and analyzing the text data region which may be embedded in an image by means of variety of texts: font, size, skew angle, distortion by slant and tilt, shape of the object which texts are on, etc. We have established our proposed methods on gray level image sets and make qualitative and quantitative comparisons with other existing methods and concluded that proposed method is better than others.

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Radio Receiver with Internal Compression of Input Signals Using a Dispersive Delay Line with Bandpass Filters

By Roman Pantyeyev Felix Yanovsky Andriy Mykolushko Volodymyr Shutko

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2023

This article proposes a receiving device in which arbitrary input signals are subject to pre-detector processing for the subsequent implementation of the idea of compressing broadband modulated pulses with a matched filter to increase the signal-to-noise ratio and improve resolution. For this purpose, a model of a dispersive delay line is developed based on series-connected high-frequency time delay lines with taps in the form of bandpass filters, and analysis of this model is performed as a part of the radio receiving device with chirp signal compression. The article presents the mathematical description of the processes of formation and compression of chirp signals based on their matched filtering using the developed model and proposes the block diagram of a radio receiving device using the principle of compression of received signals. The proposed model can be implemented in devices for receiving unknown signals, in particular in passive radar. It also can be used for studying signal compression processes based on linear frequency modulation in traditional radar systems.

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Mobile-Based Skin Disease Diagnosis System Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

By M.W.P Maduranga Dilshan Nandasena

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2022

This paper presents a design and development of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based mobile application to detect the type of skin disease. Skin diseases are a serious hazard to everyone throughout the world. However, it is difficult to make accurate skin diseases diagnosis. In this work, Deep learning algorithms Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) is proposed to classify skin diseases on the HAM10000 dataset. An extensive review of research articles on object identification methods and a comparison of their relative qualities were given to find a method that would work well for detecting skin diseases. The CNN-based technique was recognized as the best method for identifying skin diseases. A mobile application, on the other hand, is built for quick and accurate action. By looking at an image of the afflicted area at the beginning of a skin illness, it assists patients and dermatologists in determining the kind of disease present. Its resilience in detecting the impacted region considerably faster with nearly 2x fewer computations than the standard MobileNet model results in low computing efforts. This study revealed that MobileNet with transfer learning yielding an accuracy of about 85% is the most suitable model for automatic skin disease identification. According to these findings, the suggested approach can assist general practitioners in quickly and accurately diagnosing skin diseases using the smart phone.

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Enhancement of Mammographic Images Based on Wavelet Denoise and Morphological Contrast Enhancement

By Toan Le Van Liet Van Dang

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2023

Breast cancer can be detected by mammograms, but not all of them are of high enough quality to be diagnosed by physicians or radiologists. Therefore, denoising and contrast enhancement in the image are issues that need to be addressed. There are numerous techniques to reduce noise and enhance contrast; the most popular of which incorporate spatial filters and histogram equalization. However, these techniques occasionally result in image blurring, particularly around the edges. The purpose of this article is to propose a technique that uses wavelet denoising in conjunction with top-hat and bottom-hat morphological transforms in the wavelet domain to reduce noise and image quality without distorting the image. Use five wavelet functions to test the proposed method: Haar, Daubechies (db3), Coiflet (coif3), Symlet (sym3), and Biorthogonal (bior1.3); each wavelet function employs levels 1 through 4 with four types of wavelet shrinkage: Bayer, Visu, SURE, and Normal. Three flat structuring elements in the shapes of a disk, a square, and a diamond with sizes 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 are utilized for top-hat and bottom-hat morphological transforms. To determine optimal parameters, the proposed method is applied to mdb001 mammogram (mini MIAS database) contaminated with Gaussian noise with SD, ? = 20. Based on the quality assessment quantities, the Symlet wavelet (sym3) at level 3, with Visu shrinkage and diamond structuring element size 5 produced the best results (MSE = 50.020, PSNR = 31.140, SSIM = 0.407, and SC = 1.008). The results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method.

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Fast Encryption Scheme for Secure Transmission of e-Healthcare Images

By Devisha Tiwari Bhaskar Mondal Anil Singh

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Oct. 2023

E-healthcare systems (EHSD), medical communications, digital imaging (DICOM) things have gained popularity over the past decade as they have become the top contenders for interoperability and adoption as a global standard for transmitting and communicating medical data. Security is a growing issue as EHSD and DICOM have grown more usable on any-to-any devices. The goal of this research is to create a privacy-preserving encryption technique for EHSD rapid communication with minimal storage. A new 2D logistic-sine chaotic map (2DLSCM) is used to design the proposed encryption method, which has been developed specifically for peer-to-peer communications via unique keys. Through the 3D Lorenz map which feeds the initial values to it, the 2DLSCM is able to provide a unique keyspace of 2544 bits (2^544bits) in each go of peer-to-peer paired transmission. Permutation-diffusion design is used in the encryption process, and 2DLSCM with 3DLorenz system are used to generate unique initial values for the keys. Without interfering with real-time medical transmission, the approach can quickly encrypt any EHSD image and DICOM objects. To assess the method, five distinct EHSD images of different kinds, sizes, and quality are selected. The findings indicate strong protection, speed, and scalability when compared to existing similar methods in literature.

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An Efficient Brain Tumor Detection Algorithm Using Watershed & Thresholding Based Segmentation

By Anam Mustaqeem Engr Ali Javed Tehseen Fatima

DOI:, Pub. Date: 28 Sep. 2012

During past few years, brain tumor segmentation in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become an emergent research area in the ?eld of medical imaging system. Brain tumor detection helps in finding the exact size and location of tumor. An efficient algorithm is proposed in this paper for tumor detection based on segmentation and morphological operators. Firstly quality of scanned image is enhanced and then morphological operators are applied to detect the tumor in the scanned image.

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Evolutionary Image Enhancement Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm

By Dhirendra Pal Singh Ashish Khare

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Nov. 2013

Image Processing is the art of examining, identifying and judging the significances of the Images. Image enhancement refers to attenuation, or sharpening, of image features such as edgels, boundaries, or contrast to make the processed image more useful for analysis. Image enhancement procedures utilize the computers to provide good and improved images for study by the human interpreters. In this paper we proposed a novel method that uses the Genetic Algorithm with Multi-objective criteria to find more enhance version of images. The proposed method has been verified with benchmark images in Image Enhancement. The simple Genetic Algorithm may not explore much enough to find out more enhanced image. In the proposed method three objectives are taken in to consideration. They are intensity, entropy and number of edgels. Proposed algorithm achieved automatic image enhancement criteria by incorporating the objectives (intensity, entropy, edges). We review some of the existing Image Enhancement technique. We also compared the results of our algorithms with another Genetic Algorithm based techniques. We expect that further improvements can be achieved by incorporating linear relationship between some other techniques.

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Image Denoising based on Enhanced Wavelet Global Thresholding Using Intelligent Signal Processing Algorithm

By Joseph Isabona Agbotiname Lucky Imoize Stephen Ojo

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Oct. 2023

Denoising is a vital aspect of image preprocessing, often explored to eliminate noise in an image to restore its proper characteristic formation and clarity. Unfortunately, noise often degrades the quality of valuable images, making them meaningless for practical applications. Several methods have been deployed to address this problem, but the quality of the recovered images still requires enhancement for efficient applications in practice. In this paper, a wavelet-based universal thresholding technique that possesses the capacity to optimally denoise highly degraded noisy images with both uniform and non-uniform variations in illumination and contrast is proposed. The proposed method, herein referred to as the modified wavelet-based universal thresholding (MWUT), compared to three state-of-the-art denoising techniques, was employed to denoise five noisy images. In order to appraise the qualities of the images obtained, seven performance indicators comprising the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Structural Content (SC), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity Index Method (SSIM), Signal-to-Reconstruction-Error Ratio (SRER), Blind Spatial Quality Evaluator (NIQE), and Blind/Referenceless Image Spatial Quality Evaluator (BRISQUE) were employed. The first five indicators – RMSE, MAE, SC, PSNR, SSIM, and SRER- are reference indicators, while the remaining two – NIQE and BRISQUE- are referenceless. For the superior performance of the proposed wavelet threshold algorithm, the SC, PSNR, SSIM, and SRER must be higher, while lower values of NIQE, BRISQUE, RMSE, and MAE are preferred. A higher and better value of PSNR, SSIM, and SRER in the final results shows the superior performance of our proposed MWUT denoising technique over the preliminaries. Lower NIQE, BRISQUE, RMSE, and MAE values also indicate higher and better image quality results using the proposed modified wavelet-based universal thresholding technique over the existing schemes. The modified wavelet-based universal thresholding technique would find practical applications in digital image processing and enhancement.

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Edibility Detection of Mushroom Using Ensemble Methods

By Nusrat Jahan Pinky S.M. Mohidul Islam Rafia Sharmin Alice

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Apr. 2019

Mushrooms are the most familiar delicious food which is cholesterol free as well as rich in vitamins and minerals. Though nearly 45,000 species of mushrooms have been known throughout the world, most of them are poisonous and few are lethally poisonous. Identifying edible or poisonous mushroom through the naked eye is quite difficult. Even there is no easy rule for edibility identification using machine learning methods that work for all types of data. Our aim is to find a robust method for identifying mushrooms edibility with better performance than existing works. In this paper, three ensemble methods are used to detect the edibility of mushrooms: Bagging, Boosting, and random forest. By using the most significant features, five feature sets are made for making five base models of each ensemble method. The accuracy is measured for ensemble methods using five both fixed feature set-based models and randomly selected feature set based models, for two types of test sets. The result shows that better performance is obtained for methods made of fixed feature sets-based models than randomly selected feature set-based models. The highest accuracy is obtained for the proposed model-based random forest for both test sets.

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A Review of Self-supervised Learning Methods in the Field of Medical Image Analysis

By Jiashu Xu

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2021

In the field of medical image analysis, supervised deep learning strategies have achieved significant development, while these methods rely on large labeled datasets. Self-Supervised learning (SSL) provides a new strategy to pre-train a neural network with unlabeled data. This is a new unsupervised learning paradigm that has achieved significant breakthroughs in recent years. So, more and more researchers are trying to utilize SSL methods for medical image analysis, to meet the challenge of assembling large medical datasets. To our knowledge, so far there still a shortage of reviews of self-supervised learning methods in the field of medical image analysis, our work of this article aims to fill this gap and comprehensively review the application of self-supervised learning in the medical field. This article provides the latest and most detailed overview of self-supervised learning in the medical field and promotes the development of unsupervised learning in the field of medical imaging. These methods are divided into three categories: context-based, generation-based, and contrast-based, and then show the pros and cons of each category and evaluates their performance in downstream tasks. Finally, we conclude with the limitations of the current methods and discussed the future direction.

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Breast Cancer Classification from Ultrasound Images using VGG16 Model based Transfer Learning

By A. B. M. Aowlad Hossain Jannatul Kamrun Nisha Fatematuj Johora

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2023

Ultrasound based breast screening is gaining attention recently especially for dense breast. The technological advancement, cancer awareness, and cost-safety-availability benefits lead rapid rise of breast ultrasound market. The irregular shape, intensity variation, and additional blood vessels of malignant cancer are distinguishable in ultrasound images from the benign phase. However, classification of breast cancer using ultrasound images is a difficult process owing to speckle noise and complex textures of breast. In this paper, a breast cancer classification method is presented using VGG16 model based transfer learning approach. We have used median filter to despeckle the images. The layers for convolution process of the pretrained VGG16 model along with the maxpooling layers have been used as feature extractor and a proposed fully connected two layers deep neural network has been designed as classifier. Adam optimizer is used with learning rate of 0.001 and binary cross-entropy is chosen as the loss function for model optimization. Dropout of hidden layers is used to avoid overfitting. Breast Ultrasound images from two databases (total 897 images) have been combined to train, validate and test the performance and generalization strength of the classifier. Experimental results showed the training accuracy as 98.2% and testing accuracy as 91% for blind testing data with a reduced of computational complexity. Gradient class activation mapping (Grad-CAM) technique has been used to visualize and check the targeted regions localization effort at the final convolutional layer and found as noteworthy. The outcomes of this work might be useful for the clinical applications of breast cancer diagnosis.

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Text Region Extraction: A Morphological Based Image Analysis Using Genetic Algorithm

By Dhirendra Pal Singh Ashish Khare

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jan. 2015

Image analysis belongs to the area of computer vision and pattern recognition. These areas are also a part of digital image processing, where researchers have a great attention in the area of content retrieval information from various types of images having complex background, low contrast background or multi-spectral background etc. These contents may be found in any form like texture data, shape, and objects. Text Region Extraction as a content from an mage is a class of problems in Digital Image Processing Applications that aims to provides necessary information which are widely used in many fields medical imaging, pattern recognition, Robotics, Artificial intelligent Transport systems etc. To extract the text data information has becomes a challenging task. Since, Text extraction are very useful for identifying and analysis the whole information about image, Therefore, In this paper, we propose a unified framework by combining morphological operations and Genetic Algorithms for extracting and analyzing the text data region which may be embedded in an image by means of variety of texts: font, size, skew angle, distortion by slant and tilt, shape of the object which texts are on, etc. We have established our proposed methods on gray level image sets and make qualitative and quantitative comparisons with other existing methods and concluded that proposed method is better than others.

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Retinal Image Segmentation for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection using U-Net Architecture

By Swapnil V. Deshmukh Apash Roy Pratik Agrawal

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2023

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most serious eye diseases and can lead to permanent blindness if not diagnosed early. The main cause of this is diabetes. Not every diabetic will develop diabetic retinopathy, but the risk of developing diabetes is undeniable. This requires the early diagnosis of Diabetic retinopathy. Segmentation is one of the approaches which is useful for detecting the blood vessels in the retinal image. This paper proposed the three models based on a deep learning approach for recognizing blood vessels from retinal images using region-based segmentation techniques. The proposed model consists of four steps preprocessing, Augmentation, Model training, and Performance measure. The augmented retinal images are fed to the three models for training and finally, get the segmented image. The proposed three models are applied on publically available data set of DRIVE, STARE, and HRF. It is observed that more thin blood vessels are segmented on the retinal image in the HRF dataset using model-3. The performance of proposed three models is compare with other state-of-art-methods of blood vessels segmentation of DRIVE, STARE, and HRF datasets.

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A Review on Image Reconstruction through MRI k-Space Data

By Tanuj Kumar Jhamb Vinith Rejathalal V.K. Govindan

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2015

Image reconstruction is the process of generating an image of an object from the signals captured by the scanning machine. Medical imaging is an interdisciplinary field combining physics, biology, mathematics and computational sciences. This paper provides a complete overview of image reconstruction process in MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). It reviews the computational aspect of medical image reconstruction. MRI is one of the commonly used medical imaging techniques. The data collected by MRI scanner for image reconstruction is called the k-space data. For reconstructing an image from k-space data, there are various algorithms such as Homodyne algorithm, Zero Filling method, Dictionary Learning, and Projections onto Convex Set method. All the characteristics of k-space data and MRI data collection technique are reviewed in detail. The algorithms used for image reconstruction discussed in detail along with their pros and cons. Various modern magnetic resonance imaging techniques like functional MRI, diffusion MRI have also been introduced. The concepts of classical techniques like Expectation Maximization, Sensitive Encoding, Level Set Method, and the recent techniques such as Alternating Minimization, Signal Modeling, and Sphere Shaped Support Vector Machine are also reviewed. It is observed that most of these techniques enhance the gradient encoding and reduce the scanning time. Classical algorithms provide undesirable blurring effect when the degree of phase variation is high in partial k-space. Modern reconstructions algorithms such as Dictionary learning works well even with high phase variation as these are iterative procedures.

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Real-Time Video based Human Suspicious Activity Recognition with Transfer Learning for Deep Learning

By Indhumathi .J Balasubramanian .M Balasaigayathri .B

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2023

Nowadays, the primary concern of any society is providing safety to an individual. It is very hard to recognize the human behaviour and identify whether it is suspicious or normal. Deep learning approaches paved the way for the development of various machine learning and artificial intelligence. The proposed system detects real-time human activity using a convolutional neural network. The objective of the study is to develop a real-time application for Activity recognition using with and without transfer learning methods. The proposed system considers criminal, suspicious and normal categories of activities. Differentiate suspicious behaviour videos are collected from different peoples(men/women). This proposed system is used to detect suspicious activities of a person. The novel 2D-CNN, pre-trained VGG-16 and ResNet50 is trained on video frames of human activities such as normal and suspicious behaviour. Similarly, the transfer learning in VGG16 and ResNet50 is trained using human suspicious activity datasets. The results show that the novel 2D-CNN, VGG16, and ResNet50 without transfer learning achieve accuracy of 98.96%, 97.84%, and 99.03%, respectively. In Kaggle/real-time video, the proposed system employing 2D-CNN outperforms the pre-trained model VGG16. The trained model is used to classify the activity in the real-time captured video. The performance obtained on ResNet50 with transfer learning accuracy of 99.18% is higher than VGG16 transfer learning accuracy of 98.36%. 

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Algorithm of Processing Navigation Information in Systems of Quadrotor Motion Control

By Anatoly Tunik Olha Sushchenko Svitlana Ilnytska

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2023

The article deals with creating an algorithm for processing information in a digital system for quadrotor flight control. The minimization of L2-gain using simple parametric optimization for the synthesis of the control algorithm based on static output feedback is proposed. The kinematical diagram and mathematical description of the linearized quadrotor model are represented. The transformation of the continuous model into a discrete one has been implemented. The new optimization procedure based on digital static output feedback is developed. Expressions for the optimization criterion and penalty function are given. The features of the creating algorithm and processing information are described. The development of the closed-loop control system with an extended model augmented with some essential nonlinearities inherent to the real control plant is implemented. The simulation of the quadrotor guidance in the turbulent atmosphere has been carried out. The simulation results based on the characteristics of the studied quadrotor are represented. These results prove the efficiency of the proposed algorithm for navigation information processing. The obtained results can be useful for signal processing and designing control systems for unmanned aerial vehicles of the wide class.

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