International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing (IJIGSP)

IJIGSP Vol. 6, No. 10, Sep. 2014

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Table Of Contents


Algorithmic Tricks for Reducing the Complexity of FDWT/IDWT Basic Operations Implementation

By Aleksandr Cariow Galina Cariowa

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2014

In this paper two different approaches to the rationalization of FDWT and IDWT basic operations execution with the reduced number of multiplications are considered. With regard to the well-known approaches, the direct implementation of the above operations requires 2L multiplications for the execution of FDWT and IDWT basic operation plus 2(L-1) additions for FDWT basic operation and L additions for IDWT basic operation. At the same time, the first approach allows the design of the computation procedures, which take only 1,5L multiplications plus 3,5L+1 additions for FDWT basic operation and L+1 multiplications plus 3,5L additions for IDWT basic operation. The other approach allows the design of such computation procedures, which require 1,5L multiplications, plus 2L-1 addition for FDWT basic operation and L+1 addition for IDWT basic operation.

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Application of 16-State TCM-UGM and TCM for Improving the Quality of Compressed Color Image Transmission

By Benaissa Mohamed Bassou Abdesselam Beladgham Mohammed Taleb-Ahmed Abdelmalik Moulay Lakhdar Abdelmounaim

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2014

The aim of this paper is to investigate the quality of transmitted color images using 16-state TCM-UGM or TCM channel code over Rayleigh fading channel. Considering SPIHT-based compression algorithm and image quality metrics (IQMs), the simulation results for throughput of 2 bit/s/Hz, showed that the communication system using TCM-UGM allows better performance compared to TCM and better protects the compressed color image during transmission. For transmission tests compressed colors images, the TCM-UGM system outperforms the performance of the TCM by 3 dB at BER = 10-5 and 4.59 dB at FER = 3.10-3. For example, for Lena color image, the 16-state TCM-UGM system gives best performance that the 16-state TCM system. The gain is the 5.02 dB and 17.90 % for the PSNR and MMSIM respectively.

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Satellite Image Processing for Land Use and Land Cover Mapping

By Ashoka Vanjare S.N. Omkar J. Senthilnath

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2014

In this paper, urban growth of Bangalore region is analyzed and discussed by using multi-temporal and multi-spectral Landsat satellite images. Urban growth analysis helps in understanding the change detection of Bangalore region. The change detection is studied over a period of 39 years and the region of interest covers an area of 2182 km2. The main cause for urban growth is the increase in population. In India, rapid urbanization is witnessed due to an increase in the population, continuous development has affected the existence of natural resources. Therefore observing and monitoring the natural resources (land use) plays an important role. To analyze changed detection, researcher’s use remote sensing data. Continuous use of remote sensing data helps researchers to analyze the change detection. The main objective of this study is to monitor land cover changes of Bangalore district which covers rural and urban regions using multi-temporal and multi-sensor Landsat - multi-spectral scanner (MSS), thematic mapper (TM), Enhanced Thematic mapper plus (ETM+) MSS, TM and ETM+ images captured in the years 1973, 1992, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2008 and 2011. Temporal changes were determined by using maximum likelihood classification method. The classification results contain four land cover classes namely, built-up, vegetation, water and barren land. The results indicate that the region is densely developed which has resulted in decrease of water and vegetation regions. The continuous transformation of barren land to built-up region has affected water and vegetation regions. Generally, from 1973 to 2011 the percentage of urban region has increased from 4.6% to 25.43%, mainly due to urbanization.

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Polyphase Structure Based Eigen Design of Two-Channel Quadrature Mirror Filter Bank

By S. K. Agrawal O.P. Sahu

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2014

This paper presents a method for the design of two-channel quadrature mirror filter (QMF) banks with linear phase in frequency domain. Low-pass prototype filter of the QMF bank is implemented using polyphase decomposition. Prototype filter coefficients are optimized to minimize an objective function using eigenvalue-eigenvector approach without matrix inversion. The objective function is formulated as a weighted sum of four terms, pass-band error and stop-band residual energy of low-pass analysis filter, the square error of the overall transfer function at the quadrature frequency and amplitude distortion of the filter bank. The simulation results clearly show that the proposed method requires less computational efforts in comparison to the other state-of-art existing design methods.

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Block-Based Compressive Sensed Thermal Image Reconstruction using Greedy Algorithms

By Usham V. Dias Milind E. Rane

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2014

This paper implements a block based compressive sensing technique for thermal image reconstruction using greedy algorithms. A total of fourteen different sensing patterns were tested for data acquisition. Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) and Regularized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (ROMP) with two different thresholds were implemented for image reconstruction with OMP having an edge over ROMP in terms of error and PSNR. ROMP was faster in terms of iterations needed for reconstruction. As the threshold for ROMP was increased the number of iterations needed decreased. Gaussian, Bernoulli and Hadamard patterns were the best for reconstruction. Hadamard matrix, Bernoulli matrix with +/-1 entries and Bernoulli matrix with 0/1 entries have the added advantage of being more conducive for hardware implementation. This paper used Discrete Cosine Transform as the sparsifying basis for reconstruction.

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Fast Visual Object Tracking Using Modified kalman and Particle Filtering Algorithms in the Presence of Occlusions

By G. Mallikarjuna Rao Siva Prasad Nandyala Ch. Satyanarayana

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2014

In the present day real time applications of visual object tracking in surveillance, it has become extremely complex, time consuming and tricky to do the tracking when there are occlusions are present for small duration or for longer time and also when it is done in outdoor environments. In these conditions, the target to be tracked can be lost for few seconds and that should be tracked as soon as possible. As from the literature it is observed that particle filter can be able to track the target robustly in different kinds of background conditions, and it’s robust to partial occlusion. However, this tracking cannot recover from large proportion of occlusion and complete occlusion, to avoid this condition, we proposed two new algorithms (modified kalman and modified particle filter) for fast tracking of objects in the presence of occlusions. We considered the complete occlusion of tracking object and the main objective is how fast the system is able to track the object after the occlusion is crossed. From the experimental results, it is observed that the proposed algorithms have shown good improvement in results compared to the traditional methods.

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Edge Detection Operators: Peak Signal to Noise Ratio Based Comparison

By D. Poobathy R. Manicka Chezian

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2014

Edge detection is the vital task in digital image processing. It makes the image segmentation and pattern recognition more comfort. It also helps for object detection. There are many edge detectors available for pre-processing in computer vision. But, Canny, Sobel, Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG), Robert’s and Prewitt are most applied algorithms. This paper compares each of these operators by the manner of checking Peak signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Squared Error (MSE) of resultant image. It evaluates the performance of each algorithm with Matlab and Java. The set of four universally standardized test images are used for the experimentation. The PSNR and MSE results are numeric values, based on that, performance of algorithms identified. The time required for each algorithm to detect edges is also documented. After the Experimentation, Canny operator found as the best among others in edge detection accuracy.

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A Neural Network Based Recognition and Classification of Commonly Used Indian Non Leafy Vegetables

By Ajit Danti Manohar Madgi Basavaraj S. Anami

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2014

A methodology to characterize the commonly used Indian non-leafy vegetables’ images is developed. From the captured images of Indian non-leafy vegetables, color components, namely, RGB and HSV features are extracted, analyzed and classified. A feed forward backpropagation artificial neural network (BPNN) is used for the classification. The results show that it has good robustness and a very high success rate in the range of 96-100% for eight types of vegetables. The work finds usefulness in developing recognition system for super market, automatic vending, packing and grading of vegetables, food preparation and Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC).

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